Without Smoking Gun:

JFK Assassination
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Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Without Smoking Gun:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

1:27 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

WITHOUT SMOKING GUN, written by Kent Heiner, and an Introduction by Lt.
Col. Dan Marvin, 2004, by Trine Day Publishing Company, Walterville, Oregon.

This is Lt. Col. Dan Marvin's story of the C.I.A. trying to recruit him to kill Lt. Commander William Bruce Pitzer. Marvin was told that Pitzer had committed treason.

What Pitzer had done was witness, and make notes of the surgical alteration of JFK'S body shortly after the assassination.

Carefully written, and detailed by Lt. Col. Dan Marvin, a close personal friend of Jimmy Files, and myself. this book provides several servious threads that the serious JFK and CIA Researcher Must Read.

This is the first of 3 publications w/ Lt. Col. Dan Marvin's involvement.

Questions about authenticity, documentation, or hearsay ? Don't bother.

Lt. Col. Dan Marvin was directly involved. This is a man you must read about.

Also, kudos to Kent Heiner, and Trine Day Publications for having the courage and conviction that Lt. Col. Dan Marvin, a true patriot, justly deserves.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers
who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?

Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Response To Mr. Uwe Leybold:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

1:38 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Mr. Uwe Leybold,

I have just read, and laughed my way through your absolute rantings, and ravings.

Clearly I would look forward to meeting and discussing your comments in person. I would always make myself available to communicate w/ you in person, and learn as you clearly expressed that "need" that I am unaware of.

I am from the South Side of Chicago, and I have personally known Jimmy Sutton a/k/a Jimmy Files since then.

By the way, Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" Marvin is also from the South Side of Chicago. We all grew up in the same general area. Hell's Kitchen, and the Chicago town of Al Capone'.Surprise - Surprise.

I, and others, who I choose not to speak for here, have substantial personal knowledge of Jimmy Sutton, a/k/a Jimmy Files, and his contacts and career achievements.

I have substantial personal verification from numerous people, in addition to the personal knowledge of me, and my family. So much so that I am totally confident. I am so confident that it is hard for me to be humble. But I will try. The wise man walks w/ his head bowed.

If you think that your ramblings have convinced me to divulge anything to you, Uwe, you have a lot to learn about people, research and investigation, negotiations, and the art of communication.

Uwe, I notce that you don't even touch on the points of where Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin destroyed Eaglesham, and in effect earned a non-responsive apology.

Uwe, were your trying to embarass me and Jimmy, or impress your friends ?

Either way, it doesn't work. I certainly don't need to attack you back because I have forty (40) years of facts and documents, along with personal knowledge on my side.

Additionally, Uwe, please note that Jimmy Files never wanted to bring out his background. He was approached, and talked into it after many, many years - after the FBI released his name.

Further, please read what Grady stated in a Sequential Time Line Analysis. And notice that Jimmy never gave information to Grady. Grady claimed that he found the files and after public disclosure of what he Found then later said stuff disappeared. Jimmy had always maintained that his records were purged, as he was advised.

Every CIA agent, NCO, etc., that is Sheep Dipped from the any branch of the American Military always had/has their files cleansed/purged.

Just like when Allen Welsh Dulles and the CIA, after WW II in Operation Paperclip, brought over Wernher von Braun and 2,000+ of the highest ranking Nazi intelligence, military, and science fields, and ALL were successfully 'REINVENTED" Jason Bourne style.

I admit that Dankbaar, Files, Marvin, Brychek, and our own Advisory and Attorney Group face a nearly impossible task, no matter what we say or do, and no matter which way we turn. But we face it nonetheless, and we never back down from it once we have begun.

Uwe, in a battle of witts, you are completely unarmed.

Everyone likes a smart person. Nobody likes a smart ass. I look forward to meeting w/ you in person someday so that you can explain the error and ignorance of all my ways as you so deliberately put in writings tome.

Uwe, two (2) can play the stupid game, if you like.

Prove to me that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK ?

Or, prove to me what happened ?

Over forty (40) years later, Jimmy Files has come up with the only believeable scenario, that even according to critics is 90 % accurate.

Uwe, prove to me perfectly things that you did forty (40) years ago, please.

I await your response.

I use my real name, address, and phone number. Look me up. I would love to meet with you personally.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself
about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings
on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers
who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?

tom jeffers
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Post by tom jeffers »

I chomped a Cheeseburger yesterday. Nobody took any pictures, I cannot tell you how many pickles slices there were on the sandwich nor can I remember if the bun had seseme seeds. But I assure you I had one and I know I cannot prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt but that doesn't change the fact that I ate it. I can say this, nobody can prove that I ate a chicken sandwich but if they accused me of this "fowl" offense I know that I could not prove that I didn't.

This sounds like rambling but it makes a point. We have this problem of lack of evidence either way but just because someone cannot prove what they did or did not do, it doesn't mean they are lying.
Michael Calder
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Re: Without Smoking Gun:

Post by Michael Calder »

I read and enjoyed and can recommend "Without Smoking Gun" as well. Books like these complement what is in the official record. Also, when I first watched the Files interview my jaw dropped. I watched it a second time this time taking notes and there were 13 specifics that Files mentioned that corresponded with my own study of the JFK assassination. www.jfkcia.com
bob franklin
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Re: Without Smoking Gun:

Post by bob franklin »

As I've often said to my friends, "never pick a rock fight with a gorn!" (even though we do that on this forum all the time). I may have to update that with "unless You're packing"!
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Re: Without Smoking Gun:

Post by kenmurray »

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