Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

JFK Assassination
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by Kirk »

Mike,Welocme to the forum. I did not read any personal attack on you. You are entitled to believe what you will, but don't look for much support for your beliefs about George Bush whether junior or senior. I think the evidence is pretty much solid and maybe even blinding to some that the Bush family does not and has not had the best interest of this country at heart. I do believe that G Herbert Bush was in Dallas on that Tragic day, and that he was CIA long before being the Head of the CIA. I believe that is a picture of him in front of the TSBD right after the assassination. If his name was John Smith, and Hoover mentioned talking to John Smith about the Assassination in a memo right after the event. We would want to know who John Smith is, but it was not John Smith, but George Bush. His son is a poor excuse for a human being. He has lived a life of reckless disregard for others. He is at best mentally lazy. Whether he could be trusted with the truth from his Father or not would be a question, but I think he never cared to ask.Just my Opinion of courseKirkmike martinez wrote:ThomZajac wrote:Do you think he did a good job, Mike?(And by the way, I do think you have made a compelling case that George W. Bush is probably smarter than you.)just what I would expect, I personal attack instead of answering the question.To answer your question like an adult would:He led the country thru the aftermath of 9/11. Purely from an economic and job perspective, I think he did a well. After the market nosedived the way it did and the panic that ensued, he kept the country on an even keel.Did he make mistakes yes. Is he a great orator? Hardly. But he is a good man. I speak from personal knowledge. Not firsthand, but someone in my immediate family had almost daily interaction with him while he was governor. To this day, some 15+ yrs later, Mr. Bush still sends personal, hand written cards during the year.
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by Bob »

mike martinez wrote:ThomZajac wrote:Do you think he did a good job, Mike?(And by the way, I do think you have made a compelling case that George W. Bush is probably smarter than you.)just what I would expect, I personal attack instead of answering the question.To answer your question like an adult would:He led the country thru the aftermath of 9/11. Purely from an economic and job perspective, I think he did a well. After the market nosedived the way it did and the panic that ensued, he kept the country on an even keel.Did he make mistakes yes. Is he a great orator? Hardly. But he is a good man. I speak from personal knowledge. Not firsthand, but someone in my immediate family had almost daily interaction with him while he was governor. To this day, some 15+ yrs later, Mr. Bush still sends personal, hand written cards during the year.A personal attack? How about the truth. Tell me anything that I mentioned above that is incorrect. ANYTHING.
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by Kirk »

oh i got the joke now from ThomOne more thing the card writing bit. It is the Bush family tradition to write christmas cards to everybody they have met every year. It is a big to thing with them, and cost quite a bit of money as well because they do not do it phillip's book Bush Dynasty
Dealey Joe
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by Dealey Joe »

mike martinez wrote:bob franklin wrote:Musta had the stupidity gas cranked up full blast all eight years at the White House... George W. BushBachelor of Arts degree in History - Yale UniversityMBA – Harvard University (only US President with an MBA)Fighter pilot for the Texas Natl Guard (Convair F-102)Governor of Texas 1995-2000 – voted to two terms, re-elected with 69% of the vote.President of the United States of America 2000-2008any of you geniuses want to compare your resume'?I am not an expert on the bush family and also not a good researcher but I am fairly good ask asking dumb questions.1. Maybe was HW there because he was a democrat and to see LBJ, his fello Texan in a parade?2. Was in the Dealey plaza because some of his buddies were to meet him to watch the parade. or because a friend owned the TSDB and invited him there for a visit while in town and to see his old friend LBJ?3. Could have been he was in downtown Dallas staying at the Adolfus and while he was out for his morning strollthe parade came by and he wanted to wave at Lyndon.4.Was he from Massachusetts ?5. wonder if the Bush family ever knew the Kennedys?6. How do you go to Texas and ENTER the oil bisuness? if we could find out I would also like to enter.7. Just how do we recognise who the left wing media is? there must be some way to tell? Do they havesigns hanging on their wall that say left/right? 8. Resume? does that mean you are highly educated and suited for any job that comes along? or that your family status has ways of getting you degrees ect. that you don't have to earn?9. Yale? is that some sort of secret society?10. Fighter polot for the Texas National Guard? How do you get to be a fighter pilot? maybe you take lessons from David Farrie?
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by kenmurray »

mike martinez
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by mike martinez »

Bob wrote:mike martinez wrote:ThomZajac wrote:Do you think he did a good job, Mike?(And by the way, I do think you have made a compelling case that George W. Bush is probably smarter than you.)just what I would expect, I personal attack instead of answering the question.To answer your question like an adult would:He led the country thru the aftermath of 9/11. Purely from an economic and job perspective, I think he did a well. After the market nosedived the way it did and the panic that ensued, he kept the country on an even keel.Did he make mistakes yes. Is he a great orator? Hardly. But he is a good man. I speak from personal knowledge. Not firsthand, but someone in my immediate family had almost daily interaction with him while he was governor. To this day, some 15+ yrs later, Mr. Bush still sends personal, hand written cards during the year.A personal attack? How about the truth. Tell me anything that I mentioned above that is incorrect. ANYTHING.stolen elections (2000 & 2004)The 2004 election was not stolen, he won by 3 mil votes and had 286 electoral votes. The 2000 election difference was microscopic but in all honesty Gore as president. Seriously? He’s been proven to be a complete charlatan.- 9/11 happened on HIS watch and it smells of an inside job (see Operation Northwoods)To this day I don’t understand how he gets blamed for 9/11 when he was in office all of 7 months and Clinton was in office for 8 years while the terror network grew by leaps and bounds. If anyone is too blamed it is Clinton but I will concede in was under W’s watch.- the lies that led to the war in IraqWhen the intelligence communities of the US, Great Britain, Russia and others all come to the same conclusion, a decision had to be made, you cannot vote present. When you are given information to make a decision and it is corroborated by other countries and it turns out to be faulty, that is not a lie.- illegal wiretappingListening in on calls from suspected countries supporting terrorism is ok in my book. By the way, you ain’t seen nothing as far as losing our liberties with the bum in office now. Sorry, I guess that makes me a racist right?- torture (Hitler would be proud)You can count the number of people they “tortured” on one hand. And by the way, those guys still have their fingers to count. You have bad guys that have info and you give them the sensation that they are drowning with no permanent physical damage at all. Go for it!! Would I want it done to me? Hell no, but I ain't trying to kill innocent people.- blantant disregard for the U.S. constitutionAny examples?? Like mandating you by health insurance or you'll get a visit from one of the new 16,000 IRS agents they hired in the "healthcare" bill. Oh nevermind…Like I have said before on this forum. People have the right to give their opinion that what this place is for. BUT... just to state things as FACT when they are strong personal beliefs. That does not make what you think actually true.
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by Bob »

Forgive me for being frank Mike...but just what the hell is your agenda in being part of this forum? Before this thread, I've seen you contradict yourself in your first few posts. Not a good sign. Actually a red flag. Now this. It's been said that I have allowed some disinformation types to remove focus for what is really relevant in our discussions. To me, you are doing that in this thread. Bring something to the table Mike. What do you REALLY think happened in Dealey Plaza that day? Why was Poppy Bu$h not involved, even with all of the evidence that says otherwise?
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by ThomZajac »

I know it makes no sense to argue these points with you. MIke, but I will mention one thing.You wrote that you can't understand why Bush gets any blame for the 911 attacks because he was on the job for all of 7 months.Now let's suppose no attacks occurred on 9/11/01, and that they occurred instead on 9/11/09 after Obama had been in office all of 7 months. Would you and your fellow Republicans be singing the same tune?I think the answer is obvious.
mike martinez
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by mike martinez »

ThomZajac wrote:I know it makes no sense to argue these points with you. MIke, but I will mention one thing.You wrote that you can't understand why Bush gets any blame for the 911 attacks because he was on the job for all of 7 months.Now let's suppose no attacks occurred on 9/11/01, and that they occurred instead on 9/11/09 after Obama had been in office all of 7 months. Would you and your fellow Republicans be singing the same tune?I think the answer is obvious.I am not a republican. I am a social libertarian and fiscal conservative. The republican party and I have parted ways. I do agree that whichever party was in office, they would blame the other. As for me personally, in your scenario I would most certainly blame Bush. I had many issues with his presidency. But thanks for both asking me a question and answering for me. By the way, I voted for Clinton in '92, Dole in '96, Bush in '00, and '04. I was a supporter of Ron Paul in the last election.
mike martinez
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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Post by mike martinez »

Bob wrote:Forgive me for being frank Mike...but just what the hell is your agenda in being part of this forum? Before this thread, I've seen you contradict yourself in your first few posts. Not a good sign. Actually a red flag. Now this. It's been said that I have allowed some disinformation types to remove focus for what is really relevant in our discussions. To me, you are doing that in this thread. Bring something to the table Mike. What do you REALLY think happened in Dealey Plaza that day? Why was Poppy Bu$h not involved, even with all of the evidence that says otherwise?As I think I have said in earlier posts, I don't claim to know what happened in Dealy plaza. My dad first got me intrested in the assassination when I was about 12 yrs old. Over the last 30 years I've read countless books, seen numerous documentaries and have read tons on the subject on the internet. My opinion has changed over the years from 100% conspiracy theorist to leaning more the other way as the years have gone on.There are tons of questions: secret service standing down, cracks in the windshield, Tauge getting hit, Roger Craigs testimony who i sincerely take for his word. Reports of fake secret service agents on the ground. Reports of a Mauser being found on the six floor, witnesses seeing two men on the sixth floor, etc........I personally don't believe the story's of Gordon Arnold, Beverly Oliver or Judyth Baker, I think they were/are nuts looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. I don't believe there was anything sinister about the three tramps, badgeman and black dog man are virtually impossible, etc.................I look at the assassination not thru the eyes of people are emotionally involved with "camelot" and think he was this larger than life figure. I look at the assassination purely as a whodunnit, plain and simple.I don't know what happened and guess what, nobody else here does either. If we did it wouldn't hold such fasination almost fifty years later. There wouldn't be two official gov't explanations and people wouldn't disagree as to what happened. It would laid out for the world to see.The JFK assassination fasinates me. However, apparently to visit and post on this site you must submit or be ridiculed and made to feel unwelcome. What I absolutely don't believe:inside job on 9/11MLK conspiracyJFK jr conspiracyarea 51bigfootI also gave up on Ventura's show after two weeks because it was absolutely ridiculous.
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