Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

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Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

Post by JDThomas »

I find the current stand-off very interesting and wondering what the outcome will be. The right-wing Israeli administration is clearly provocative and is looking to scupper the latest Palestinian peace talks. ... Biden make angry noises ... ~Israeli spokesman says its Israel's worst crisis with the USA since 1975 ... commentators say one side will have to give in and lose face ... Israeli lobby on Capitol Hill goes into overdrive, then Darling Hillary speaks about ' the unshakable bond between America and Israel '... What's the next move?Who is going to give?History tells us which way, but who knows!?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

Post by Dealey Joe »

Might just be a setup deal to make Hillary and Barak look good.
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Re: Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

Post by Kirk »

I think the whole thing is pure posturing on both sides, and has been probably planned by bothsides for awhile. Why? hard to say. Maybe to show some distance between us, so Iran might look for an opening either to come to the table or cause more concern. Nothing happens between the US and Israel without prior knowledge at the highest levels.Personally, I do not think Israel is our friend, but the US is their friend.
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Re: Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

Post by Pennyworth »

Hillary Speaks..... ... htmlIsrael vs. Palestinians....She said continued conflict between Israel and its Arab neighbors threatens Israel's long-term future as a secure and democratic Jewish state, and that the status quo is unsustainable for all sides."There is another path, a path that leads toward security and prosperity for Israel, the Palestinians and all the people of the region," she said. "But it will require all the parties, including Israel, to make difficult but necessary choices. Both sides must confront the reality that the status-quo of the last decade has not produced long-term security or served their interests."Israel, Iran etc..The secretary, who said that forces that threaten Israel also threaten the United States, said there is no greater strategic threat to Israel than the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran."A nuclear-armed Iran would embolden its terrorist clientele and would spark an arms race that could destabilize the region," said Clinton. "This is unacceptable. Unacceptable to the United States, it is unacceptable to Israel, and unacceptable to the region and the international community. So let me be very clear: the United States is determined to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons." ... 19477.html
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Re: Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

Post by Bob »

I still can't figure out how Hillary became Secretary of State under Obama. It was almost like she was FORCED on him. Hillary and Obama secretly met at the Bilderbergers meeting in 2008 after Obama had wrapped up the Democratic nomination for President by the way. The biggest difference in the campaign between Barack and Hillary was their CLEAR disagreements in foreign policy. That is why is was extremely odd for her to be named Sec. of State. Hillary is a hawk for sure. Israel loves her. She was pushing for force to be used against Iran when she was running for President. I think Israel will drop that shoe fairly soon, with or without U.S. support.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Why I don't get is how Israel has the nerve to build homes on land that is currently in dispute. Are they kidding? ... 150723It's too bad that Palestinians don't have a catch phrase they can use like Israeli types know...the old "anti-semite" catch phrase. .
Dealey Joe
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Re: Off Topic: Current US vs. Israel Spat

Post by Dealey Joe »

PasqualeJust a comment bring a student of the Bible several years ago.Some laugh at the thought of the Bible being of use but to me is is a great sourceof information and especially old history.I believe to have any understanding of what goes on in that region weneed to understand some of the Old Testiment.One thing, those different rgionns over there are made up of brothers, all Children of IsraelCheck Genesis 48-49Brothers always fight and bicker amoungst themselves, always have, always will.when some outsider pics on one of them, then you get to fight the whole bunch of them.These peoples have always been masters of deception (Evil)Have always known how to use sympathy to control feelings against them.You can't use certain words or reflections without you suffer grave results and persicution.Another group of people have learned how to use this trick very well also.
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