"Image of an Assassination:...."

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"Image of an Assassination:...."

Post by M.C.Newton »

I watched "Image of an Assassination..." last night which as most of you know I'm sure is about the Zapruder film. Anyway I found it very interesting that in the bonus features they show an interview with Richard Stolley who was the representative from LIFE magazine (Owner Henry Luce, Skull & Bones) who went to Zapruder and first purchased the print rights for the film for 50,000 dollars, then later came back and purchased full rights only to sit on them for around 15 years when a bootleg of the film was shown on national TV, then sold the rights back to the Zapruder's for 1 dollar. So anyway in the bonus features in this interview it was fascinating to see this man adamantly state that IT DOESN'T MATTER WHERE JFK'S BODY WENT, IT ONLY MATTERS WHERE THE SPRAY WENT AND THE SPRAY WENT FORWARD. So that's it end of discussion the spray went forward, which I don't even know if you can tell that by looking at it, but the spray went forward. Case closed it was Oswald and only Oswald. Someone call Mr. Dankbaar and tell him that all the evidence he has accumulated over the years is meaningless, and the money he has spent was for naught because the spray went forward. I couldn't believe my ears. And just the overall demeanor of Mr. Stolley is highly suspect, at times he appears to be having a great time while chuckling and talking about how funny it was when he offered Mr. Zapruder 5,000 dollars for the film, then at another point he says how it just feels like you're getting punched in the gut everytime you see the shot, no matter how many times you've seen it. Really interesting.

An interesting note on the film being sat on for that amount of time is that, well being a business, and making money being the main objective of owning a business, why would they pay around 100,000 more dollars for the film rights and then do nothing, just sit, all the while eating 100,000 dollars? I mean they had already purchased the print rights printed the frames in their magazine except of course the magic frame showing the head shot. Then once the film is shown publicly for the first time, they sell the rights back to the Zapruder family for 1 dollar. What would the point of that be? I mean what's the point of paying 100,000 then selling for 1? It seems clear to me that they purchased the film and sat on it as to cover up because if the fim were made public it would raise many many questions surrounding the murder. I mean if 200 million people see JFK's head and body fall back then all of a sudden the one shooter from the back just doesn't quite sell to easily to the public. They may be gullible and easily lied to be but that would be one of those, "Who you gonna believe me or your own eyes?", and nobody involved in a cover up wants that situation. Maybe this is why I'm not an entrepreneur because I thought you should make money not waste it. This coupled with the statements of Mr. Stolley just absolutely wreak of cover up, collusion with those responsible and just overall shady business.

Any thoughts, comments please. And I apologize if this has already been discussed here, thus being a repost of something that has been hashed out already. Thanks.
Mark de Rooij
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Re: "Image of an Assassination:...."

Post by Mark de Rooij »

M.C.Newton wrote:I watched "Image of an Assassination..." last night which as most of you know I'm sure is about the Zapruder film. An interesting note on the film being sat on for that amount of time is that, well being a business, and making money being the main objective of owning a business, why would they pay around 100,000 more dollars for the film rights and then do nothing, just sit, all the while eating 100,000 dollars? I mean they had already purchased the print rights printed the frames in their magazine except of course the magic frame showing the head shot. Then once the film is shown publicly for the first time, they sell the rights back to the Zapruder family for 1 dollar. What would the point of that be? I mean what's the point of paying 100,000 then selling for 1? It seems clear to me that they purchased the film and sat on it as to cover up because if the fim were made public it would raise many many questions surrounding the murder. I mean if 200 million people see JFK's head and body fall back then all of a sudden the one shooter from the back just doesn't quite sell to easily to the public. They may be gullible and easily lied to be but that would be one of those, "Who you gonna believe me or your own eyes?", and nobody involved in a cover up wants that situation. Maybe this is why I'm not an entrepreneur because I thought you should make money not waste it. This coupled with the statements of Mr. Stolley just absolutely wreak of cover up, collusion with those responsible and just overall shady business. Any thoughts, comments please. And I apologize if this has already been discussed here, thus being a repost of something that has been hashed out already. Thanks.

That's right, Z family acquired the rights. And didn't the Z family receive a huge amount (several millions) as a reward for the invaluable historical significance the footage has had? Perhaps this 'reward' has already been discussed here, but this forum is so elaborate that I have not yet read about it. As I recall correctly, I read about it in a local newspaper about 2 years ago. Who issued the reward, exactly why, and how does it fit in with the rest of the amounts mentioned?
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Post by M.C.Newton »

I personally don't think that the Zapruder famlly was in on the cover up. I think that Abraham Zapruder was just selling to, get it out of his hands. But I do think that he believed that LIFE magazine was a reputable place to give the film over to (But then again I don't know the family so what the hell do I "know"). But I do think that there is something to the LIFE magazine cover up. And I think that this could/should be looked into deeper. I mean it's just too, strange to pay a huge amount of money for something to not capitalize on or inform anybody with.
Mark de Rooij
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Post by Mark de Rooij »

M.C.Newton wrote:I personally don't think that the Zapruder famlly was in on the cover up. I think that Abraham Zapruder was just selling to, get it out of his hands. But I do think that he believed that LIFE magazine was a reputable place to give the film over to (But then again I don't know the family so what the hell do I "know"). But I do think that there is something to the LIFE magazine cover up. And I think that this could/should be looked into deeper. I mean it's just too, strange to pay a huge amount of money for something to not capitalize on or inform anybody with.

But how about the newsarticle of some years ago, about the Z family receiving the vast amount. I think they sued for it, didn't they?
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Post by M.C.Newton »

That I'm really not sure about I'll have to look into it.
Mark de Rooij
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Post by Mark de Rooij »

M.C.Newton wrote:That I'm really not sure about I'll have to look into it.
Never mind, I already got the answer from Gary Mack: it's $ 16 million, paid in 1998.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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"Image of an Assassination:...."

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

03.15.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:06.13.2006 M. C. Newton Posted this interesting Headline.Important, relevant facts, and an interesting discussion followed.I was not aware of some of these facts.Today much ADO is made about the ZAPRUDER FILM.Arguments, discussions, and facts abound on conclusions drawn, and theirapplications to many fancied, and varied arguments.Clearly THE CHAIN OF EVIDENCE WAS SUBSTANTIALLY BROKEN.Fast Forward to today.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as many of you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: "Image of an Assassination:...."

Post by kenmurray »

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