Grinds my gears

JFK Assassination
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Grinds my gears

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Jsnow915 wrote:Pasquale..I saw the frrown face afterr you wrote Italy...your father was an honorable man doing what his country asked of him and from his actions....he did the right thing....he did his my job...I usually questioned things and get in trouble for it...almost like a punishment for opening my mouth about things I think aren't right...I've learned to pick my battles if anything....I have to look at things now as if to say how does this effect me...I give them only need to know information....I won't give out ammo to have another person fired...and beleive me...what I do for a living is something you'd think would be such a simple matter...I'm a head custodian for an elementary'd think simple ,right?...not as long as there are politics involved...which is how a school system is ran....Administrators with BIG paychecks and even bigger ego's...I just do my time and go I see where Dulles had a bone to pick with Kennedy...I see the same crap here,just on a smaller level. Thanks, Jsnow915. You made me feel better about it. I don't usually get much crap for my dad being Italian in WWII, except for the occassional comment here and there. Whatever. It is what it is. You're right. He was doing his duty. He was only all of 18 or maybe even a tad younger when he signed up. As for internal politics, don't I know. I know exactly what you're talking about. It makes me sick sometimes that there's often some sort of ulterior motive. Makes me sick.
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Re: Grinds my gears

Post by Bob »

Our fathers did what was expected of them from their country, whether it was Italy, the U.S. or wherever. Your father had no reason to be ashamed. Nor should the families of people in the German army or Japanese army that were just following orders. However, there is a BIG difference between kids that were just following orders and being patriotic, and those who GAVE orders. My dad was in the U.S. Navy also at age 18, and he ended up with some war injuries that have made him disabled from a battle late in WWII. I got my name from my dad's brother Bob who was killed in the Korean war. Bob was the first member of my family to have ever graduated from college, and he had a very bright future, but that all ended in Korea. Ironically, I ended up graduating from the same University my name sake did. Bottom line, kids or young men for the most part believe in the ideals of their country, and also what the leaders of those countries profess. It is the leaders and the decision makers that are wrong when war is not necessary and they put young men in a vulnerable position. That goes with ALL countries.
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Re: Grinds my gears

Post by ChristophMessner »

A lot could be achieved, if it would be forbidden to send men into war under the age of 25 by constitution. Also the honorable way of fighting has to be promoted again: leaders to the front! Equal means. Announcement before attack.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Grinds my gears

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Our fathers did what was expected of them from their country, whether it was Italy, the U.S. or wherever. Your father had no reason to be ashamed. Nor should the families of people in the German army or Japanese army that were just following orders. However, there is a BIG difference between kids that were just following orders and being patriotic, and those who GAVE orders. My dad was in the U.S. Navy also at age 18, and he ended up with some war injuries that have made him disabled from a battle late in WWII. I got my name from my dad's brother Bob who was killed in the Korean war. Bob was the first member of my family to have ever graduated from college, and he had a very bright future, but that all ended in Korea. Ironically, I ended up graduating from the same University my name sake did. Bottom line, kids or young men for the most part believe in the ideals of their country, and also what the leaders of those countries profess. It is the leaders and the decision makers that are wrong when war is not necessary and they put young men in a vulnerable position. That goes with ALL countries.Very nicely said!
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Re: Grinds my gears

Post by Bob »

No problem. But you know what else really grinds my gears? Dumbya Bu$h and Dick Cheney. First Poppy gets Dumbya a cushy job in the Texas Air National Guard so Dumbya could get out of serving in Nam, and then Dumbya goes AWOL from the TANG for over a year, and then is suspended from the TANG for refusing a medical exam (cocaine). Then you have Cheney who took out 5 deferments to also get out of serving in Nam. Then when they "steal" the 2000 election thanks to Poppy's son Jeb in Florida and also Poppy's buddies on the Supreme Court like Scalia and Thomas, they begin their greedy campaign to utilize warfare to stuff their treasonous pockets. Both were in the oil and the war profiteering business before they got to the White House. They used 9/11 (see Operation Northwoods) to impliment the bullshit Iraq war that was based on lies like WMDs, fake mushroom cloud threats, fake al queda ties to Iraq and fake Iraq ties to 9/11. The war in Iraq has cost the U.S. over 4,100 lives and over 30,000 wounded. The war has also cost the Iraqis over 1,000,000 lives based on some estimates. The war has cost almost a TRILLION dollars to American taxpayers as well. Also, there are actually more contractors in Iraq right now than American troops. Contractors from Halliburton (Cheney's old company that received no bid contracts for the war) and also companies like Blackwater (they are now trying to call themselves XE), the folks that slaughtered civilians in Iraq. Bottom line, the war in Iraq was orchestrated by a couple of cowards that didn't have the balls to fight in a war when they were young men, a war in Vietnam that was very much like the one in Iraq. A war that was for GREED, not need. A war that was one of the reasons JFK was assassinated. A war that made war profiteers like Prescott and Poppy Bu$h very happy.
tom jeffers
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Re: Grinds my gears

Post by tom jeffers »

dulles was probably put on the commision to contain and detract any information leading to cia involvement. dulles may not have been directly involved but knew all the key players. dulles and his brother were decendants of skull and bones and were associated with harriman and brown bank before the war. he was clearly the eyes and ears of prescott bush. they were associates all their life
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