A HUGE reason JFK was killed

JFK Assassination
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

01.17.2018:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:03.02.2009 - Mr. Bob Fox, our Excellent Long Time JFKMS Forum Moderator and Member, and a friend of both J and B, originally Posted this Direct, Important, Powerful Headline and Supporting Material.Pasquale DiFabrizio, Tom Jeffers, (now deceased, and a long time confidential and personal friend of both J and B), Ken Murray, (also a highly respected long time Moderator and Member of JFKMS Forum), and Phil Dragoo, (the most brilliant researcher and writer I have ever encountered, and also a friend of both J and B), contributed to this Important Subject Matter.Almost 9 years later I am curious to see what beliefs and thoughts are today.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.
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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Slav »

https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/ ... SA-visitMy thoughts why JFK was killed he made several mistakes, he fired Allen Dulles who was head of the cia and also MJ12, he was talking to the Russians to make peace, and wanted to share the UFO files and space program with the Russians, The head of Majestic 12 Allen Dulles was so upset he got fired from the CIA from Kennedy and he was still the head of MJ12 which has more power than the President made a recommendation that JFK be eliminated because he was going to share UFO secrets and space program with the Russians so Dulles recommended to the other MJ 12 members that Kennedy be eliminated and it was followed threw with the help of LBJ, Hoover the Generals, secret Service, police, Cia, they made him look like a traitor so everyone would be on board with the official plan to assasinate him. Only question I have why assasinate him why not arrest him or impeach him, my answer the military Complex banking oil all wanted him gone to be able to further there profits.There is no profit in Peace and never will be, I believe in our lifetime we will see a destruction of many countries.My opinion.
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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by JDB4JFK »

Slav the only problem with that theory is that, the plotters of his assassination started planning his assassination in June right after his American University speech and his printing of 4 billion U.S. notes. The beginning of the end for the Federal Reserve. By September they choose Dallas, (see THE BOOK THE MAN WHO KNEW TO MUCH:) The coconspirators, and the shooting teams all moved to Dallas along with the patsy in October. Also what proof do you have that JFK was going to give the "ROOSKIES" UFO and Alien information??? I mean anyone can write an article and saying that but where is the real proof. We can proved that NSAM 273, was drafted November 20 two days before his death so that would prove to be a big reason he was killed.I'm reading all your post and its good information so keep it coming.
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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Slav »

JDDulles was Fired Nov 1961 the plan to eliminate him came shortly after there is a memo letter from MJ 12 it’s dated on the internet somewhere that is half burnt it was intended to be burnt and was removed from the fire, and says recommendation to eliminate jfk code name I can’t remember, they needed a good reason to get everyone involved and although there are many more reasons I believe the official reason to protect everyone and have the limo slow down and Do the coverup was the ones used for the UFO and space program, e Howard Hunt was asked why was jfk killed, he responded by saying he was sharing secrets with the Russians, this statement is also on the internet, happened when Someone took Hunt out for Lunch.I believe everyone wanted him killed removed when he became president, they needed a good reason that would last 50 plus years, when they finally found one they continued out there plans so that they could get help from everyone. Take a look everyone participated all levels all the agency’s it was a national security reason. Although it’s a false reason and we all know it, the reason is what was needed to carry it out.I will look for the MJ12 memo and hunts reason.
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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Slav »

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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Slav »

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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Slav »

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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Slav »

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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by JDB4JFK »

Great work as usual Slav! I've seen these burnt letters and MJ 12 theory before but the person I read it from said Kennedy wanted to tell the American people about the aliens not the rooskies. This is why a lot of people think the agency put a contract out on Marilyn Monroe because she knew about it because someone told her about it, or showed her the Hanger 51 alien or whatever it was when she was doing a show out there at that base. She told JFK about it and Dorothy Kilgallen. Which is why JFK was enquiring about the goings on out there. As far as, the he said story of what Hunt said, that's all hearsay because we didn't hear it from Hunt's mouth himself, and even if we did would you believe Hunt who has been caught lying several times regarding the Kennedy assassination.I just can't believe JFK was given secrets to the Russians! What would he have to gain for doing it, and like you said, if he was doing that just arrest him for treason that would be a lot easier and less expensive than killing him. Hell they ran Nixon out of the White House for trying to cover up a misdemeanor crime. Sorry that doesn't wash with me.
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Re: A HUGE reason JFK was killed

Post by Slav »

I believe Kennedy was trying to avoid a nuclear war and wanted to make peace and work together with the Russians moving forward as a diplomatic means, the Cia didn’t get the war they wanted didn’t get the cuba they wanted so they turned the tables on JFK and made him look like the bad guy and called him a communist, Hoover was calling everyone a Communist he didn’t like including MLK. I believe that Hunt did make a truthful confession at lunch with a Reporter saying the reason was working with the Russians which was spun into giving the Russians secrets. Back in 1963 this would of gotten anyone killed. This is my belief from what I seen and read. Jfk was trying to do good for the world and the country and they used it against him to kill him.Hunt lived a Long life, and still on his deathbed confession did not say the reason why JFK was killed, but he did admit to the number 2 person in charge which was LBJ.We will never get the whole story from the beginning to end spelled out for us from start to finish but we will get more and more info and pieces as time goes on.It’s obvious Nixon wanted him dead because he stole the election or beat Nixon, Prescott Bush wanted him dead because he chose Nixon and started Nixon’s career.Everyone wanted JFK out of the way and Eisenhower warned everyone about the military complex which Eisenhower as a 5 star General and a President looked scared as he gave that speech,I thought when I was young Eisenhower a General and President was in charge, it’s obvious Eisenhower wasn’t in charge and he was just another puppet, when JFK was shot Eisenhower has fear written all across his face as he somehow knew this was going to happen.The only people stronger than the President and a General would of been MJ12.
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