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Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 6:58 pm
by Dealey Joe
could someone explain to me what actually happened to the people that was on the planes who were killed? where are they and where are the planes?


Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 7:45 pm
by kenmurray
Joe, my thoughts:100% certain no plane hit Pentagon. No way a 757 flying that low near the ground at 500 mph could hit the Pentagon with such a small hole and hardly no debris. So what really happen to flight 77? certain WTC 7 was brought down by demolition. percent certain the Twin Towers were NOT brought down that quickly by jet fuel.


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 5:09 am
by Davyjones
Kenmurray.Your post sums up my thoughts nice and neat.


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:46 am
by Dealey Joe
I am contemplating this morning what happened 10 years ago. It is the same feelings that I had then as I had in 1963. I immediately bought into the government/media bullshit lies. I know better now and I knew better then. So why do we keep on doing the same thing over and over?I was planning on leaving on a trip from Oklahoma to Indiana, about 800 miles, already had reservations made and plans laid. Went up to the corner gas station out on the highway about 2pm, was hearing all kinds of scare stories about running out of food and fuel in the stores so everyone had bombarded them buying up everything from Kleenex to toilet paper, gallons of milk,(don't know where they were going to put them, anyway a lady was at the pumps raising fuel prices from less than a dollar to about $4 a gallon for diesel. I asked her what the hell are you doing and she just gave me a big old smile .I told her what she was doing was "criminal". There was a poor kid there with a gas hose in his hand, I asked him"are you gonna buy this crap"? HE said I am empty so as I watched he got $2 worth? about half a gallon. I didn't get anything thinking "the Hell with it" and came back home and told Martha "I guess we will not be able to get fuel to make out planed trip. I sat and though about it a while and told her "Hell with it, I am going anyway" if we can't get fuel then there will be thousands of trucks stranded along the roads and this is a fluke, I think we will be able to get fuel but we will be ready to pay a higher price for it. Shorten the story, we made the trip, we took two trucks pulling trailers and had no problems whatsoever.It is amazing how this stuff affects our lives and plans.I wonder where all the bodies went that disappeared?I wonder what the next crisis will be? I don't even want to turn on the TV this morning.


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:21 pm
by Tom Bigg
My thoughts on this anniversary are really a sadness over all the victims, whether they doubt the official version of the truth or not. There are more and more people skeptical over the official version of events. I think it is interesting how the mainstream media try to frame the debate in terms of paranoia and sanity, hence the terms "truther". Once you get labelled in a conspiracy camp, they can dismiss you as a "nut", essentially a crazy person. At least other empires have been open and honest about their corrupt regimes; in the U.S. we have a most corrupt system but it is kept hidden and only the official version is presented in the mainstream media. If they can keep the truth from leaking out for long enough, even skeptical and open minded people will say that it is time to move on when new facts come out.I found Ward Churchill's travails interesting from the standpoint of how the media deals with troublesome people: ... ontroversy


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:38 pm
by Dealey Joe
If you ask the wrong questions the answer does not matter!then if you control the questions beeing asked the answer still does not matter!


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:02 pm
by Kirk
I agree with almost every thought on this thread.911 is a difficult day for rememberance, if we do not know the truth of what happened to remember on that day, and the days that followed over the last decade. Many of my and many your worst fears at that time have in fact come true. We as a nation and people allowed fear to dictate our Country's actions. Nationalism to me is always the worst of isms because it ultimately becomes self-destruction, and loss of faith and will by the so called united people.Again I think the loss of trust by the people might be the ultimate goal of the Misleaders and the Power elite in both 911 and the Assassination of our President.


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 5:25 pm
by Bob
Before I begin my rant, I first want to say how sorry I am on behalf of the victims, the first responders and all of the REAL heroes regarding the events of 9/11. God Bless them. That being said, I was disgusted by the non-stop coverage of this false flag event staged by the government and their co-conspirators...the MSM...this weekend. Some of the MSM were trying to paint Dumbya Bush as a great leader during this tragic day in United States history, even though he was one of the treasonous bastards that made this day possible. Treason runs in the Bush family. Starting with Samuel in WWI, when he sold arms to the Germans, while the U.S. was in the conflict. That was continued by Prescott, who first was part of an attempted coup by the right wing to toppled FDR. It was only because of the whistleblowing by General Smedley Butler that stopped the coup from actually materializing. Then Prescott invested in and profited from the Hitler war machine. He was even charged with trading with the enemy in 1942. Yet Prescott was never jailed or arrested for these treasonous acts. Plus, the MSM was silent about these events when Prescott ran for Senator in 1952 and won. Then you have Poppy. I could go on and on about him, but he was definitely part of the group that conspired to kill JFK on 11/22/1963. The MSM was silent about the real truth regarding JFK assassination too. That continues to this day. The MSM just keeps putting out disinformation like a broken record, whether it's about 11/22/1963 or 09/11/2001. To me, the MSM is just as guilty as the conspirators in both of these events. Commit a crime or hide a crime...either way you are guilty as sin. Especially regarding the assassination of a truly great President (JFK) that would have made the world a MUCH better place today. An event like 9/11 would have never happened with a world that JFK would have helped to shape. Unfortunately, one of the groups that helped to murder John Fitzgerald Kennedy on a sunny Friday afternoon in Dallas, now pretty much runs the policy at the White House, as every President since Poppy Bush has had clear CIA connections and associations. Everything is bought off nowadays. The Supreme Court, the Government (local and national), Big Banking (Wall Street) and the MSM to name a few. Do you think the bad guys have enough power? Please check out this video. Pass it on to friends and associates. Pass it on to non-believers especially. ... ddedPlease also check out my story from awhile back... ... ngton-hoax


Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:44 pm
by kenmurray
Well spoken Bob.


Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:42 pm
by Bob
Thanks Ken. One final note about 9/11. Most of you know that I bring up Operation Northwoods often when talking about the events of 9/11. Some of our forum members are new and may not have known about Operation Northwoods. It was a plan concocted by the Joint Chiefs and the CIA presented to President Kennedy in March of 1962. Here is some information about the plan... ... s.htmlThis plan was presented to JFK BEFORE the Cuban Missile Crisis. The plan looks eerily familiar when one looks at the events of 9/11. Instead of Cuba in 1962 and then Vietnam, the events in 2001 were aimed at Afghanistan and then Iraq. These were they type of people JFK was dealing with in his Presidency. The Joint Chiefs and the CIA of 1962 got their wish on 9/11/2001.Also, please see this story I did awhile back... ... -bush.html