Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

JFK Assassination
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Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by ChristophMessner »

ThomZajac wrote:A bullet fired from behind striking JFK in the head an instant before a shot entering from the front, I think, is hard to refute. On a related matter, let's not treat the Zapruder film as gospel; there are compelling reasons to believe it has been altered in a big way. I think the skull fragment flapout on JFK's right head part is authentic in the Zapruder film and it documents, that the bullet from behind exited there and created that flapout. How else can you explain this flapout? And this tells that this bullet never came from any 6th floor TSBD window.
Posts: 351
Joined: Mon Oct 21, 2019 8:23 pm

Re: Z335-337 show: headshot bullet from behind exited

Post by ChristophMessner »

Read Nr. 58 at http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm58. Voluntary Statement, by Royce Glenn Skelton. Statement as a witness in Dealey Plaza, (Photocopy Poor Quality), 11/22/63. 00001343 1 page 05 02 058 1343-01.gif This statement of a witness correlates the last shot to the south Elm curb mark, where Mr. Tague stood. That's interesting, cause everybody thinks, the last shot was the headshot from behind. So how could the bullet exit at JFK's right temple and then fly further to Mr. Tague? That's not possible, cause that is not in the trajectory. Only if this bullet was deflecting on the upper part of the skull somehow, like a surf board, then it would be possible. And this would mean, that the headshot bullet from behind, did NOT exit at the right temple, it just cracked and jumped a little on the upper part of the skull. And that would be a proof, that the temple wound was created by another bullet. By James Files' bullet from the right front. It's even possible that three bullets went into and onto JFK's head. Not very probable, but possible.
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