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Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 4:10 pm
by Michael Dell
ThomZajac wrote:Michael- I don't know if you've seen this but to some of us the following is killer..., yeah, I had seen that before. Definitely creepy. I'm always shocked and a little appalled when people who claim to be "researchers" and "experts" continue to defend the Bush family. It demonstrates either an orchestrated effort to hide the truth, or an incredible lack of effort in uncovering the truth. And to Joe's question about W, yes, I personally believe W really is THAT stupid. Ask yourself how he ever became President. What had he ever done in his life, aside copious amounts of alcohol and trading Sammy Sosa, to earn such a prestigious honor? He was an empty suit. He had the recognizable name, he was somewhat personable, and, most importantly, he was easy to control. He'd go along with everything and anything the Powers That Be said. It's no coincidence 9/11 happened on his watch. While there are countless stories regarding W's stupidity, my favorite is probably from his old Skull and Bones days. He was asked to choose a nickname -- with most Skull and Bones names Satanic in nature, by the way -- and good ol' W couldn't think of anything, so they just called him "Temporary." He never did come up with a name, so his Skull and Bones buddies call him "Temporary" to this day.

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 6:22 pm
by Dealey Joe
Shame! He wasn't temporary enough.

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:03 pm
by Bob
Here is the intelligent and well spoken Dumbya himself ... ... re=related

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:34 pm
by Dealey Joe

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 4:10 am
by bob franklin
Musta had the stupidity gas cranked up full blast all eight years at the White House...

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:05 am
by mike martinez
I must say this topic has many covering all their bases. In front of the TSBD and in the Dal-Tex Bldg??You guys crack me up!!If any of this was really legit, the left wing media in this country would be falling all over themselves to prove this story true. A former republican president directly involved in the murder of their beloved JFK.They would wet themselves.

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:26 am
by mike martinez
bob franklin wrote:Musta had the stupidity gas cranked up full blast all eight years at the White House... George W. BushBachelor of Arts degree in History - Yale UniversityMBA – Harvard University (only US President with an MBA)Fighter pilot for the Texas Natl Guard (Convair F-102)Governor of Texas 1995-2000 – voted to two terms, re-elected with 69% of the vote.President of the United States of America 2000-2008any of you geniuses want to compare your resume'?

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 5:33 am
by ThomZajac
Do you think he did a good job, Mike?(And by the way, I do think you have made a compelling case that George W. Bush is probably smarter than you.)

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:39 am
by Bob
mike martinez wrote:bob franklin wrote:Musta had the stupidity gas cranked up full blast all eight years at the White House... George W. BushBachelor of Arts degree in History - Yale UniversityMBA – Harvard University (only US President with an MBA)Fighter pilot for the Texas Natl Guard (Convair F-102)Governor of Texas 1995-2000 – voted to two terms, re-elected with 69% of the vote.President of the United States of America 2000-2008any of you geniuses want to compare your resume'?Hey Mike...lets look at the Presidential resume of Dumbya Bu$h, the C student and the AWOL national guardsman that was suspended for refusing to take a medical exam...- stolen elections (2000 & 2004)- 9/11 happened on HIS watch and it smells of an inside job (see Operation Northwoods)- the lies that led to the war in Iraq- the death and destruction in Iraq that has been caused because of those lies- illegal wiretapping- torture (Hitler would be proud)- blantant disregard for the U.S. constitution- no regulation on Wall Street, which led to the biggest economic collapse since the great depression - massive war profiteering (See Halliburton and Blackwater)- huge energy costs like the billions of dollars that companies like Exxon made in profits- treasonous acts like the events of 9/11 and outing a CIA operative - trying to politicize the justice department I can go on and on. But that is a snapshot of Dumbya's resume. The reason I think that JFK's murder is tied into to this is simple. JFK was killed because he wanted to stop things that are happening in our time. JFK wanted to get out of Nam and stop the war profiteers from getting their evil profits. JFK wanted to break up the CIA and stop the embarrassing conduct that some in the CIA practice to this day. JFK wanted BIG oil to pay their FAIR share. JFK was making massive changes to the Federal Reserve which would have impacted the way big banking operates and STILL operates.JFK saw the future and tried to stop what he saw. 11/22/1963 was the result of his vision. That led to an imbecile like Dumbya being put in the White House, just like his daddy Poppy was, except Poppy played a critical role on 11/22/1963. Dumbya was coronated by the Supreme Court to the Presidency...NOT elected. He also got help from his brother Jeb, plus help from Diebold and their crooked electronic voting machines. Dumbya never deserved to be King, as he was only a court jester that made stupid decisions his whole life and his 8 years as President proved that time and time again.

Re: Photo of Poppy Bu$h in front of the TSBD

Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2010 1:19 pm
by mike martinez
ThomZajac wrote:Do you think he did a good job, Mike?(And by the way, I do think you have made a compelling case that George W. Bush is probably smarter than you.)just what I would expect, I personal attack instead of answering the question.To answer your question like an adult would:He led the country thru the aftermath of 9/11. Purely from an economic and job perspective, I think he did a well. After the market nosedived the way it did and the panic that ensued, he kept the country on an even keel.Did he make mistakes yes. Is he a great orator? Hardly. But he is a good man. I speak from personal knowledge. Not firsthand, but someone in my immediate family had almost daily interaction with him while he was governor. To this day, some 15+ yrs later, Mr. Bush still sends personal, hand written cards during the year.