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Grinds my gears

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:53 pm
by Jsnow915
I know its old news...but just for the fact alone that Allen Dulles was fired by Kennedy because of CIA/mob/Cuba connection...and Johnson puts him on the Warren commision is a slap in the face to the Kennedy family and the American public...why was this never seen in 1964?...can you picture yourself in a powerful position like that and boom,taken away from you.Why wouldn't you want revenge against the person who fired Bill Hicks said....go back to sleep America

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:08 pm
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Jsnow915 wrote:I know its old news...but just for the fact alone that Allen Dulles was fired by Kennedy because of CIA/mob/Cuba connection...and Johnson puts him on the Warren commision is a slap in the face to the Kennedy family and the American public...why was this never seen in 1964?...can you picture yourself in a powerful position like that and boom,taken away from you.Why wouldn't you want revenge against the person who fired Bill Hicks said....go back to sleep AmericaExactly. It's no wonder the youth of the time began to rebel. Seriously.

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:43 pm
by saracarter766
i have always thought that allan dulles may have been involved in the conspiracy to murder JFK he had the motive and the means to do so.

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:19 am
by Frenchy
and to cover it up

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:06 pm
by ChristophMessner
These are all indicators to amend the constitution so that no one is getting into powerful positions anymore without the peoples control. CIA and other agencies need parlamentiary supervision and their budget should be only a certain percentage of the education+infrastrucure budget.

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:32 pm
by Jsnow915
Exactly. It's no wonder the youth of the time began to rebel. Seriously. True Pasquale...thats why something like the Beatles were a breath of fresh air...I think this country lost its innocents and the majority don't have faith in the government...they just don't have the means or power to change it...but it is funny how most radicals of the times( I can't remember his name right now,but he was married to Jane Fonda...Hanoi Jane that is)....fell right into place after a while....because they couldn't change anything with out the money and if you can't beat them,join them.

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:00 pm
by Bob
Tom Hayden was married to Jane. Good points everyone. The WC was a freaking joke. Not only because of the inclusion of Dulles, but because of the inclusion of Gerald Ford, on the recommendation of Richard Nixon to LBJ, to be put on the WC. With Dulles and Ford, you had two CLEAR allies to Prescott Bu$h, as he was dear friends with Dulles, who had hired Poppy to join the CIA in the late 50's, and also Ford, who was a Prescott Bu$h political puppet, just like Nixon. In fact, in the 1960 Presidential election, Ford and Prescott were BOTH big time players in the Nixon camp. Ford was also the guy who ended up moving the JFK back wound up several inches, to make the "magic bullet" theory somewhat plausible. Plus, Ford was also the WC mouthpiece to the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover. The assassination was a conspiracy, and the conspirators made sure the "investigation" of the assassination also a conspiracy.

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:22 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Exactly! This information we discuss here about the Bay of Pigs and JFK and Nixon and Hunt isn't new information at all. It's been out there since those things happened, and the youth of this country became rebellious. Can't really blame them.What I don't understand is how people in the Justice Department, with badges and guns and such, won't seem to do their frickin' jobs!!! Are they being lied to as well? Are they scared? What? Maybe they don't want to end up like Roger Craig the Dallas Police Detective? It's the nature of the business to be an investigator that people are going to want to hurt you and stop you. Law enforcement needs to do their job and stop screwing around! Really....Are they cops or shopping mall security guards or what? LOL We have Files who CONFESSED to being a shooter and guys like Holt and Plumbly too, and NOBODY in the justice department is looking at it. Why? Did these "investigators" sign up to carry a badge and a gun but have a double standard when it comes to really dangerous cases? They need to grow a pair! Seriously.....When they take an oath for their jobs...they need to HONOR it! Swearing to uphold the law means just that. It doesn't mean swearing to uphold the law..."unless I'm told to look the other way" because "looking the other way" is breaking the law too!!!!! LMAO Now THAT really turns my stomach! If a criminal confesses to a crime and there's evidence (as is clearly the case with Files et al), law enforcement should be investigating it, but they're not! That means that they're not doing their jobs! It's pure and simple. That means we have law enforcement in this country that, at times, will selectively uphold the law or NOT uphold the law if they're told not to by some senator or whoever! It's still wrong! My dad served in World War II...but on the Italian side!!! Anyway, he was in charge of guarding a bridge and was instructed to not let ANYBODY cross unless they had proper papers. Some senior officer came and tried to cross with a car full of contraband...probably booze and stuff like that. Now...this senior officer held rank over my dad, but my dad had "tactical command" of that bridge and assured this officer that he would be arrested if he tried to cross the bridge. The officer tried to cross the bridge anyway, dad arrested him. Actually, the officer resisted arrest and started fighting, and my dad beat the crap out of him and THEN arrested him! Ta dah!!!!!! Justice!!!! His orders were not to guard the bridge "unless some high ranking officer came up and tried to bribe you and only had booze and blah, blah, blah." If we had more law enforcement like that, we'd be in a better place. That's why people should NOT be held in places like Guantanamo indefinitely without charges being brought. If they justify that and make that "okay" or legal, they'll do it to us (the American public) at will at a certain point. Then the cops would be justified barging into your house without a warrent and then locking you up for YEARS with no attorney and no hearing!!!!! Then...the terrorists really will win. They will have succeeded in turning our society inside out! Whew!!!! Okay...I'm off my soap box now!!!!!

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:37 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
saracarter766 wrote:i have always thought that allan dulles may have been involved in the conspiracy to murder JFK he had the motive and the means to do so. Yep...and for good reason. Dulles stinks like a pier at low tide!!!! He's so crooked that he could eat soup with a corkscrew!!!

Re: Grinds my gears

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:35 pm
by Jsnow915
Pasquale..I saw the frrown face afterr you wrote Italy...your father was an honorable man doing what his country asked of him and from his actions....he did the right thing....he did his my job...I usually questioned things and get in trouble for it...almost like a punishment for opening my mouth about things I think aren't right...I've learned to pick my battles if anything....I have to look at things now as if to say how does this effect me...I give them only need to know information....I won't give out ammo to have another person fired...and beleive me...what I do for a living is something you'd think would be such a simple matter...I'm a head custodian for an elementary'd think simple ,right?...not as long as there are politics involved...which is how a school system is ran....Administrators with BIG paychecks and even bigger ego's...I just do my time and go I see where Dulles had a bone to pick with Kennedy...I see the same crap here,just on a smaller level.