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Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 9:44 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
3:44 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Forum Members and Readers:

Since the Last Century, - No ! - the most recent century w/ The 1963 Removal of JFK, and not
the Previous Century when Abraham Lincoln was Removed in 1865...

I have been discussing mentioning, reviewing this Subject Matter in articles, books, interviews,
posts, seminars, writings, etc. - OPERATION ZIPPER: Overall Plan for The Big Event.

After presenting this material many times the most common/consistent response that I have
received is, Sure, but when are they going to release the Secret Files ?, (The Really Really
Secret Files - Okay ?).


The Big Event is how the occurrence was referred to by those who clearly had inside knowledge.

OPERATION ZIPPER was/is allegedly the CIA'S Code Named File for the planning of the
assassination and the cover-up in the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

The National Archives is/was scheduled to release this information in the year 2012, unless
it is further delayed. Time will tell.

When the end of 2012 arrives, I will re-raise this for sure. I am very doubtful that this
information will be released. Watch for it yourself.

The assassination/coup d' etat and on-going cover-up was/is successful, as no criminal case,
and prosecution of anyone involved was ever brought to court, and certainly not to justice.

EXCEPT the lone, sustained, brilliant, constitutional, patriotic effort by New Orleans District Attorney James Garrison, and his brave staff and family. They all endured tremendously against all odds, and suffered greatly to reveal the truth in their own time.

Most people in the United States of America, and the rest of the world, would be totally unaware of
D.A. Jim Garrison and his efforts, were it not for the aggressive, brave, visionary movie producer,
Oliver Stone.

Stone and his provocative, and at the time cutting-edge controversial movie, JFK, featured world renowned actor, Kevin Costner in the lead role as New Orlean's D.A. Jim Garrison.

Jim Garrison himself appears in the movie as Chief Justice Earl Warren of the U.S. Supreme Court,
then leading the infamous Warren Commission.

The Forum, with the synergy of its multi-talented, multi-national, and international members, can
be the greatest non-governmental Search Engine for the truth in the JFK Assassination in the world today.

OPERATION ZIPPER: The CIA's Highly Organized Conspiracy To Assassinate President John F. Kennedy

This is The Alleged Holy Grail of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the on-going

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely
yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or
writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK
Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?


Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 12:00 am
by Bob
... I posted previously, there is mention of a book called Regicide by Gregory Douglas. In checking out that book, I found this comment about Operation Zipper from a person who read the book...

In a nutshell, the bare facts of the JFK assassination are purportedly:

1) The CIA was the prime mover in the regicide of JFK; the CIA's reason was that it was JFK who was leaking the classified PDB (Presidential Daily Briefing) to the Russians, which was treason and the CIA considered a number of ways to remove Kennedy, including impeachment, but, in the end, they chose to fully neutralize him.

2) The Director of Central Intelligence, John McCone, ran Operation Zipper.

3) The Israeli Mossad was involved with the logistics, as well as to kill the Corsican sharpshooters;
the CIA needed covert operatives who did not live in the USA and who were proven to be extremely discreet and effective in carrying out logistics of an extremely-sensitive project; furthermore, Israel
was really pissed-off with JFK because he refused to allow them to build the nuclear reactor, Dimona, which was absolutely essential for Israel to have in order for them to make their own nuclear weapons.

4) The main shooters were Corsican Mafia sharpshooters; the Mafia wanted JFK gone because of RFK's pursuit of the Chicago Mafia, who never expected the Kennedys to go after them, because of one of their own, Joe Kennedy, who chafed badly from Capone's shaming Joe in the past, so Joe wanted revenge.

It was great prestige for the Mafia to have a Kennedy as President. At Joe's insistence, RFK went after the Chicago Mafia with a vengeance that shocked the Chicago Mafia, so they were eager for payback against the Kennedys.

5) The Joint Chiefs of Staff were informed of Operation Zipper and they did not stop them from proceeding; the Joint Chiefs of Staff had wanted JFK gone, because JFK killed off their Operation Northwoods plans and that pissed them off.

6) The FBI was involved to the extent of participating in the coverup.

7) LBJ was informed and remained silent on the plans to neutralize JFK, as he was about to personally gain from this operation. JFK issued the EO 11110, which was his attempt to destroy the Federal Reserve and he had succeeded in getting the initial run of the US Treasury Notes printed off and the Rothschilds would have none of that, so they supported the regicide of JFK. So that's apparently what happened to the last President who really tried to be a real President.

Prouty to Garrison re Lansdale

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:11 am
by Phil Dragoo
I had read The Secret Team and JFK, The CIA, Vietnam, And The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy , but I'd not seen the March 6, 1990 Prouty letter to Garrison presentation by Prouty.How must the Joint Chiefs have despised Johnson when he rebuffed their November, 1965, request to mine Haiphong and bomb Hanoi would surrender the presidency he attained in such blackhearted fashion, destroyed by his misplaced faith in McNamara and Cronkite.Nixon would be toppled by the sabotage of the Hunt-Sturgis team.And Citizen Zapruder was just doing his duty.Don't miss the next condescending lecture on political morality from Bill Moyers.

Te morituri salutamus

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:48 am
by Phil Dragoo
John Kennedy caused inspiration to soar. Early. The trip to the moon. Ask not. On earth God's work. Great stuff.He began accruing dizzying balances of piss-off in the accounts of all the heavy hitters. CIA. Pentagon. Oil. The Fed. Carlos and Sam and Johnny and Santo and Jimmy. John Edgar Hoover. Dulles & Dulles "We Run the World--at least, we DID".Bay of Pigs. One last B-26 raid--denied. The Tu-33's with their .50's hosed the brigade. The Navy ships. Had to watch.So, he's firing Dulles, putting him on the council of witches to pick at his bones.Missile crisis. Bobby proposes to Dobrynin removing the Jupiters from Turkey. A lot of brass dreaming of a lot of lead.NSAM 263. The last straw.On top of the Fed--imagine you're the Fed, printing money; making and breaking fortunes; now imagine Johnny-Come-Lately says your license to print money expired. Now you finance somebody to take this stone from your shoe.And Johnson was to be removed from the ticket and thrown in the slammer for the Billy Sol Estes scams, and the Bobby Baker business. Maybe your new president will play ball.And J. Edgar was to be denied the waiver from mandatory retirement. Maybe the Director will do your "investigating" in such a way you won't be in jeopardy.Little brother is constantly hounding you with scores of lawyers and subpoenas. Maybe you go for the head and the tail stops wagging, too.And the people who are your screenwriters and "shrieking fairies of Madison Avenue" have been putting on plays in the attic, The Manchurian Candidate, for example.And Mitch has some bang-up new suppressors to show you. And some bullets that virtually disappear.But it must be done before the end of the year to not cast a shadow on the coming campaign.If you can't get this done when the mayor is the brother of one of the high priests of the guild, when the big agencies are invested, when the military and the bodyguards are in on the con, and the press will play along, and you control all the images and the body post-mortem, and the witnesses can be bullied or simply killed--why then, you should get back on the porch with the little dogs, because here in the arena, the hounds of hell are thundering down the ramps.

Hunt for Red November

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 9:18 pm
by Phil Dragoo
The hooded vigure on the viewer's left side of the human heap in Quinta del Sordo is Hunt.Randy, you inquire as to Conein. Hunt mentions him to son Saint John. I have a print-out of the latter's ebook.Yes, they (Hunt and Phillips) are having a grand and privileged tete-a-tete.You express concern that we be able to prove something.Here's a quick posit, one of many, many available to any of us:The half-dozen or more Parkland medicos who cite "cerebellum or cerebellar tissue" exuding from the occipital wound big as a baseball.Of course the Warrenite zombies would say it's the scoop of cerebellar tissue on the cerebellar cone Clint Hill was bringing Jackie which he spilled as the SS driver accelerated.They'll have "just discovered" evidence it was something Clint Hill did every day at one as an excuse to be near the First Lady.A large conspiracy not doable? Did not Agatha Christie depict Hercule Poirot uncovering the murder of one by many? Even dedicated readers would be left clueless in either a Christie mystery or a Dealey enigma--if the necessary clues are studiously retained in the dealer's hand.Hunt may have left something, and to find it one must peel away the outer story of the son and his personal drama.Phillips admitted to being in Dallas as did Hunt. Hunt had the last word; it has not been as thoroughly parsed as it deserves.

Bang the iron knocker of Justice

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 2:12 am
by Phil Dragoo
We saw the happy Abbie Hoffman, saw him swing his fireplace poker in an arc. "This is liberated territory--come on up and get me."He was flanked by two uniformed Chicago patrolmen. He would die: his detractors say by suicide; his supporters, by murder.That is the looking glass. We do it: it's good; you, it's evil--simple as that.There was no question Mark Rudd was excited as a kid with a new toy, Christmas, birthday--Lou Reed "rushing on my run, an' I feel jus' like Jesus' son". Running with his Maoists from the park October 8-11, 1969, with Bill Ayers son of power.Chased by Daley's police army which now works for the son who now works for the Bill Ayers Maoists, ask Anita Dunn.And so it was particularly ironic when the red armbands ran up to bang the iron knocker of the Justice Department at the Nixon Counterinnaugural January 19, 1969, and the shirtsleeved lawyers on the second floor flashed the one-legged peace sign, grinning smugly.They held the secrets, had run the Warren sham, would run the HSCA sham.Secret Service on every corner that night, the lapel pin gleaming in the cold darkness.Web Hubbell had said he was sent by his boss to find out about JFK. His boss who was in Prague and Moscow thanks to CIA connections. Who used such to handle the so-depressed Foster. Web whose wife was "afraid of Marsha" the last person to see Foster alive.The force is fickle and flows from figure to figure. Whoever has the current power to hypnotize as did the mimes at the close of 1966 Antonioni Blow-Up making David Hemmings stop and pick up and throw back their tennis ball.So the TSBD and its employees was just one more traveling show.CIA defector Edward Lee Howard who escaped El Dorado south of Santa Fe with the aid of his wife, a tape recorder, and a mannequinn, fell down some steps at his dacha outside Moscow and died of broken neck in 2002 at the age of 50.The FBI which failed to stop his 1985 flight failed again in finding anything in the home of Wen Ho Lee, anything except of course his house, after getting lost, and its flashlight, after losing it at the beginning of the two-hour search.Our safety and security lies in such hands as these. We remain vigilant.


Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 4:10 am
by bob franklin
I couldn't agree more with the above sentiments. JFK's assassination is without a doubt the single greatest bottleneck in recorded history. Think about it. Every socio-political, economic, or ecological problem faced today either led to it, passed through it, or sprang from it. Try getting THAT idea across in the checkout aisle of your favorite supermarket, something I've literally attempted. People look at you like you have antlers growing from your head. Btw, I wound up at this forum as a result of what I like to call a "screwy rabbit" moment not unlike your "brandy snifter" experience.While watching one of those fun and informative docs on discovery/history/I forget, I thought about CIA involvement. I of course thought of GHWB & proceeded to a websearch on "Bush involvement JFK" & found myself here. Interesting similarity of experience... (Hey... I think that might have been that screwy rabbit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Parallel universes

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 9:58 am
by Phil Dragoo
No president has sought to correct the record.Congress has failed to expose the truth.The intelligence and law enforcement agencies have continued the obfuscation.We pursue the truth because we burn with a fire which only truth can quench.The caution to eschew the partisan lens came first from Washington.We must clear up the killing of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy.Every man and woman will add his and her particular REASON--and each and all of us know it must be done.The imperative carries the BECAUSE clause which includes EVERY universe yet to come.EVERY universe for this nation and this global race of homo sapiens will be infinitely better when we have settled this.We are not making papier mache Statue of Liberty only to be ground under the tracks and treads of the Strike Hard Beetles Who Know What's Best.It suited the politicians of Left and Right to leave this murder unouted.The current president wouldn't even condemn the shooting of the young woman in Tehran.Eric Blair posited a tripartite indistinguishable totalitarian geopolitical board eternally fighting over the undeclared quadrilateral.Only seven thousand of the tens of millions of China's young internet users could access Obama's speech--and he, as all of them do, avoids talking to the "dissidents"--hah, fellow dissidents--we dissent from ALL LIES. No matter how pretty.With the bubbling inspiration of a new enlightenment: Jimmy Files has nothing to lose; Randy finds symbolism in the art and arts of Phillips, Hunt, Angleton; Horne unmasks the Z-film; Gilbride raises the curtain on the TSBD Playhouse; and Jim DiEugenio and our friends continue to power the funicular up to the summit for the majestic view.It is a great age to be alive.


Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 4:55 am
by Slav


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 10:47 pm
by Slav