Hoover's Priceless Inaccuracy

JFK Assassination
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Hoover's Priceless Inaccuracy

Post by JDThomas »

http://www.ratical.com/ratville/JFK/Hoover.htmlA Hoover memo just days after the assassination - very sure of himself, positive his facts are correct; an open and shut case .... but wrong on so many levels; provably wrong. It just shows how little the FBI knew and the scale of the fabrication that followed in order for them to produce evidence to fit their theory/cover story.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

JDHoover's blackest deed was his complicity in the killing of Kennedy. Mark North, Act of Treason: The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of President Kennedy, chronicles the constant suppression of information which began before the Dallas attack and continued through Hoover's death in 1972.As a sidelight, the suspicious death of six top FBI officials included memo-recipient William Sullivan shot by scoped rifle.The memo you cite is a delicious sample of Hooverian self-importance including the special revelation that Johnson's Walter Jenkins of YMCA fame saluted Hoover for "knowing how to pick good men."And the top G-Man knew the three shots could be done in three seconds from the fifth floor (but what of six seconds from the sixth floor?) and yet--Craig Roberts, in his Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza, relates the true impossibilty of the alleged feat as told to him by one who would know:According to my friend, Gunnery Sergeant Carlos Hathcock, the former senior instructor for the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instructor School at Quantico, Virginia, it could not be done as described by the FBI investigators. Gunny Hathcock, now retired (since died), is the most famous American military sniper in history. In Vietnam he was credited with 93 confirmed kills--and a total of over 300 actual kills counting those unconfirmed. He now conducts police SWAT team sniper schools across the country. When I called him to ask if he had seen the Zapruder film, he chuckled and cut me off. "Let me tell you what we did at Quantico," he began. "We reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don't know how many times we tried it, but we couldn't duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did. Now if I can't do it, how in the world could a guy who was a non-qual on the rifle range and later only qualified 'marksman' do it?"But the men who had been neighbors for 19 years, and who stood to suffer catastrophic loss should Kennedy have been reelected colluded in the coverup of the century.
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Re: Hoover's Priceless Inaccuracy

Post by kenmurray »

Phil Dragoo
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No greater enemy

Post by Phil Dragoo »

Interesting information from CIA case officer Revel regarding Hoover, Sullivan et al, Ken.From my copy of The Bureau: My Thirty Years in Hoover's FBI, by William Sullivan, page 248:Before I left for New Hampshire, though, a day or two after I found myself locked out of my office, a small conference was held in the White House. My break with Hoover was the main topic of conversation, and President Nixon, John Mitchell, Robert Mardian, John Ehrlichman, and Bob Haldeman were among the participants. They found the whole incident embarrassing, and in order to avoid possible future embarrassment, they decided to get rid of Hoover once and for all; he would be told firmly to retire after Nixon was reelected. But Hoover died in May 1972, six months before the election. If I knew the egomaniacal old rogue was going to die less than a year after our quarrel, I would not have allowed our differences to surface.We know that five years later a cleanup crew killed Sullivan and six others. We presume it was part of that crew which mortally sabotaged the Nixon presidency with the "sloppy break-in" at the Watergate.Hunt laid out one line of apologia in his 1973 Give Us This Day--yet he both incriminated Nixon and, on the former's deathbed, accused Johnson. A Company man to the last.Revel mentions MLK evidence placed in Sullivan's hands before the latter's 1977 murder; the best account of the case to date is to be found in William F. Pepper's Orders to Kill, by the new attorney for Sirhan B. Sirhan.How ironic that it has been FBI agents of conscience who have coaxed James Sutton/Files to reveal considerably more truth in the JFK assassination than Hoover and Johnson--and Dulles & Co.--ever intended.Murder will out, though all the bureaucrats and tyrants attempt to kill it in its crib.
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Re: Hoover's Priceless Inaccuracy

Post by Bob »

Excellent stuff there guys. Unfortunately, J. Edgar sort of set the standard or the bar in terms of any REAL national investigations that go on in the United States. As in NONE. See the Watergate hearings, the HSCA hearings, see the Iran/Contra hearings, the 9/11 commission, etc. No one in power wants to tell the American people the truth. J. Edgar was worried more about what blouse would match his skirt, as opposed to telling the truth about the mob and what happened on 11/22/1963. When Hoover got sick and died, his doctors were shocked. They all thought he would recover and be back on his knees in no time.
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Re: Hoover's Priceless Inaccuracy

Post by kenmurray »

According to the book "Act Of Treason", on Nov 24th 1963, Hoover instructed the Special Agent in charge of the Dallas FBI Office, J. Gordon Shanklin, "to sanitize Oswald's file", although "this amounted to wholesale destruction of evidence and nothing less than obstruction of justice".
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