17 Missing Afghans: Seeding Another False Flag?

JFK Assassination
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Michael Dell
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17 Missing Afghans: Seeding Another False Flag?

Post by Michael Dell »

On June 17, an exclusive Fox News report detailed the story of 17 missing members of the Afghan military who went AWOL from a Texas Air Force base. The men were in the United States to learn English and disappeared with their security badges granting them access to U.S. military installations. You can read the entire story here...http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/06/17/af ... e-base/Fox has since updated the story to report seven of the 17 men have been located. That still leaves 10 at large. Who knows? Maybe they just got tired being in the army and saw this as their opportunity to start a new life? I'm sure foreign soldiers go AWOL all the time. Yet the story raises some interesting questions...1. The 17 soldiers disappeared over the course of the past two years. So why are we hearing about it now? 2. If soldiers do go AWOL lots of times, why are we hearing about these 17 Afghan soldiers? 3. Why was this story leaked through Fox News? I find those three points intriguing. Is this simple fear-mongering designed to remind the American people of the "constant terror threat"? Or was the seed planted for another upcoming false flag event? We hear about these missing Afghans, a few weeks pass, and then something happens. Because of this story, the culprits are already identified. Everyone will just buy into the official lie that those AWOL Afghan soldiers committed the crime. Now, consider this story in the context of recent media reports concerning Afghanistan's rich mineral deposits. According to a New York Times article, "an internal Pentagon memo, for example, states that Afghanistan could become the 'Saudi Arabia of lithium,' a key raw material in the manufacture of batteries for laptops and BlackBerrys." You can read the full article here...http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/14/world ... .html?hpIf these "missing Afghan soldiers" (read "CIA operatives") were to commit an atrocity, would it provide the U.S. military with an excuse to extend its stay in Afghanistan, providing the opportunity to mine the country's vast resources?Again, this whole story is probably nothing, just another example of government incompetence. But I think this is exactly the kind of thing we should monitor.
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Re: 17 Missing Afghans: Seeding Another False Flag?

Post by Bob »

Michael...it's almost believable that Afghanistan is now a mineral "gold mine" all of a sudden. Yeah right! However, Afgahanistan is home to a oil pipeline that is imperative to the folks from big oil to keep. Iraq has a LOT of oil. Iran has even MORE. Afghanistan and Iraq have more private contractors (see war profiteers) on the ground than troops right now. The CIA wants both these wars. The CIA is linked with big banking and the Mossad. Lots of pigs at this trouph. FOX News is the network Joseph Goebbels would be proud of.
Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Re: 17 Missing Afghans: Seeding Another False Flag?

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

06.19.2010Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:Michael - Thank You for an outstanding contribution as I have been harping on the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan non-stop. I often compare them to Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia.In addition, I recently commented about "the Pentagon suddenly discovering trillions of dollars worth of rare raw materials in Afghanistan." Imagine that ! How very convenient. And what do they say in the Real Estate Industry ? Location- Location - Location.Michael, if you connect two (2) dots, you have a straight line. But you are helping connect many more.Profits...Wars...Oil...Drugs...Rare Minerals...CIA...Military Industrial Complex...Federal Reserve...War Products...Halliburton..., and on, and on.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, study,thoughts, or writings on this subject matter ?Respectfully,BB.
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