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Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 8:09 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.27.2015Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members:TAKING OUT THE GARBAGE, 2006, by Robert Clayton Buick (RCB), published by Xlibris Corporation:"The front cover of this book depicts the true and fatal wounds to President John F. Kennedy that wasnever revealed by the Warren Commisssion or by the official autopsy report. Instead, the United StatesGovernment and high ranking government officials responsible for the assassination of President Kennedycovered up the truth in an attempt to hide the Coup D'etat assassination. This is the story of Jimmy Suttonthe Mafia Grassy Knoll Shooter who fired the fatal shot to the right temple of President Kennedy orderedand carried out by Organized Crime. Lee Harvey Oswald never fired a shot at President Kennedy. The author Robert Clayton Buick who was aware of the plot prior to the assassination of President Kennedy pullsno punches as he clarifies and substantiates every element of the 'hit' on the President of the United States,the crime of the century for financial gain, political power and vengeance. This is a nonfictional and truedepiction of what really happened that fateful day in Dallas.""On September 28, 1963 I (RCB ) met with Lee Harvey Oswald in the cocktail lounge of the Hotel Luma, when and where he informed me that 'they' were going to assassinate President John Kennedy. He used the name of Alek Hidell. At that moment, I truly believed that he was sincere in his statement because of a certainactivity I had witnessed throughout those previous three months of surveillance at the Hotel Luma. All of which was reported (by me) to Eduardo (E. Howard Hunt), Mr. Bishop (David Atlee Phillips), and Jack Hamilton(Frank Sturgis). All of whom were connected with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and my United Statesgovernment contacts in Mexico City, associated with the Hotel Luma surveillance project."RCB was told by Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) that he had studied Communism, Leninism, Marxism, and Socialism. But the real problem with Developing or Promoting Revolution is that it takes a long time, and may not work quickly enough, if at all. The best way to effectuate meaningful and quick change is to "…cut off the head of the snake."11.22.1963 JFK is assassinated in Dallas, Texas. LHO is subsequently arrested, then quicky shot and killed by Jack Ruby on 11.24.1963 on National T.V. in the basement of the Dallas Police Department in front of manyLaw Enforcement Officer's (LEO's), and members of the press.11.29.1963 The Warren Commission is established by President Lyndon Baines Johnson. 09.24.1964 The Warren Commission releases its Report to LBJ. 09.27. 1964 LBJ makes public The Warren Commission Report. The Warren Commission pronounces CASE CLOSED. LHO DID IT. Since then the quality and quantity of LHO's involvement has developed from Extreme Right to Extreme Left, with no agreement or end in sight, 52+ years after The Removal Of JFK.05.18.1967 Robert Clayton Buick (RCB) was imprisoned on McNeil Island, Puget Sound.In 1971 RCB met, became a very close, confidential friend of, and the Cell Mate of Johnny Rosselli (JR)."Approximately 90 percent of what Sutton revealed to the public in relationship to the Kennedy assassinationin 1994 was told to me in the spring of 1971, some twenty-three years prior to Jimmy Sutton's statements.""One of the shooters of President John Kennedy whom I had known as Jimmy Sutton confessed to me that he fired the last fatal shot into the right temple of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963 in Dallas,Texas, killing him instantly.""My childhood and close association with my mentor, Johnny Battaglia and later Johnny Roselli, has given me an in-depth concept and understanding of the crime philosophy. They do not take into consideration who or what you are when you violate a trust or an agreement, whether you are a lonely beggar on thestreet, the attorney general of the United States, a United States senator or the president of the UnitedStates. When you violate their trust, they could care less or give a fiddler's f - - k who you are. You gethit.""When asked how he would feel about his place in history, Sutton had this astounding reply: I don't even want to be remembered in history. Why ? For what ? I'm nobody. I'm nobody special.""When told that he was the man that killed John F. Kennedy, Sutton rebutted thus: Not necessarily. I hit him in the front, He was shot in the back also. I was just one of two men, but figures have been killed, other political people in other countries have been killed. We've had gangsters killed here in this country. I never chose the people to be killed. I never chose the figures. Somebody else said they was wrong, said they did wrong, just following orders. To me, it was like, TAKING OUT THE GARBAGE."Today there is less than 20% acceptance, agreement, belief, evidence, facts, points of information, proof,theories, etc., ABOUT THE REMOVAL OF JFK AFTER 52+ YEARS. THE COMPLETE TRUTH WILL NEVER BEKNOWN OR AGREED TO. My Opinion.As always, I recommend that you read, research, and study the material on your own first, then formulateyour own Opinions and Thoughts.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on anyaspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researcher's who maynot be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 11:53 pm
by Tommy Wilkens
Extremely powerful post...If this is indeed the real true facts the real true story you have done an amazing job Bruce...I have one question for you Bruce.I don't know if you feel comfortable to answer it here in the open Forum but if not I surely understand.Bruce what are your deep down feelings being so very close to James Files "Jimmy Sutten" ? Knowing this is the person who murdered President John F. Kennedy ? This is the man who changed history !!!!


Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 1:23 am
by JDB4JFK ... ilpageThis guy has it figured out it was the CIA plain and simple! If William Harvey was in Dallas also that's 27 AGENTS and counting IN Dallas on 11-22-63!I agree with Jim Garrison in JFK when it comes to the mob, they wouldn't have the balls to try and assassination a president without help from certain elements high up in the government! 'I DON'T DOUBT THEIR INVOLVEMENT BUT ON A LOWER LEVEL"


Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 2:22 am
by Dealey Joe
Was there a stand down for Dealey Plaza or not?


Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:21 am
by Dealey Joe
Tommy my wife asked me a similar question, "Why are you friendly with the man who killed your favorite president?" It is and was a fair question, I had had to think about this previously and come to an agreement with myself about it.Here is a young man, living in a high crime situation in Chicago who had been trained and possibly brainwashed as a Killer/Sniper by the Government, What he did he done without thought or feeling, He was Taking out the Garbage. Plain and simple following orders as he knew he was expected to do, He didn't commit this murder for any personal reason even though I think later he tried to find a personal reason?.I fully believe that the powers to be had set up sites all along the route to get JFK, the reason all the infamous characters were there is because the hit had been called off at all location with the possible exception ot the Trade Mart and they were roaming the area.Jim Garrison was wrong about too many things, I give him credit for his attempt to bring light on the Assassination but he had problems, one major one was his attempt to show that the "Route was changed at the last minute" to bring JFK into the snipers position, in the movie if I remember correctly he held up an entire newspaper page showing the route was supposed to go out Main and not Elm? This foolishness is still argued today by uninformed people.As far as I am concerned the order or permission to eliminate JFK came down from the highest powers, what I call the Hidden Elite, it was the layering that is confusing and keeping the mystery going, we chase our own tails, Mob, CIA, Military, Oil, Bankers on and on, even LBJ. The people who allowed the assassination are not the ones who actually pulled the trigger.


Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2015 3:00 pm
by kenmurray
Yes there was a "stand down" in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63:


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:29 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
12.06.2017:Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:12.27.2015 - I originally Posted this Headline and Supporting Material about TAKING OUT THE GARBAGE, one of 8 books by Robert Clayton Buick.Before he wrote his 8 books, a book was written about RCB.I have recently received many Emails about RCB over the last several weeks asking about RCB's books.I am Re-Posting RCB's books here in order.As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.Comments ?Respectfully,BB.


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 6:55 am
by Slav


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 2:46 pm
by kenmurray