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Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:09 am
by kenmurray

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:03 am
by Bob
kenmurray wrote: ... uz.htmlKen, you truly are Abraken Linkin! Excellent find. I have a ton of respect for Wayne Madsen and have communicated with him on a number of occasions. I think he is on to something here. Madsen knows all about the world of intelligence, as he formally worked for the NSA and also was in Naval Intelligence.This Cuban-connection story sort of reminds me of the situation with the John Lennon murder. The doorman at the Dakota the night Lennon was murdered was Jose Perdomo. Perdomo was an anti-Castro Cuban exile and member of Brigade 2506 during the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion in 1961. I believe Perdomo was the true killer of Lennon, while the lone nut patsy was Mark David Chapman (brainwashed like Sirhan). According to reports, Perdomo was a professional hit man who worked closely with convicted Watergate burglar Frank Sturgis for about ten years on the CIA's payroll. Let's also not forget that Jimmy Files saw Sturgis in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963 as well.Anyway, this is great stuff!

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 12:04 pm
by Bob
Guess who else was there with LHO and Rafael Cruz that afternoon distributing "Hands off Cuba!" pamphlets outside the International Trade Mart in New Orleans? That would be none other than Chauncey Holt.That is Holt to the far right. A couple of other individuals are identified in this photo by Holt. This is getting really interesting.

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:24 pm
by kenmurray
Thanks Bob. I too find this quite interesting! Here is a tale of 2 Cubans by Madsen:http://www.occurrencesforeigndomestic.c ... Cubans.pdf

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 2:17 pm
Great post Ken your the greatest!!!Question in your first post above please look at the second picture of the American looking guy with the brownish blonde hair slicked back. Doesn't that look like William "Bill" Shelley, Oswald's supervisor at the TSBD???

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:47 pm
by Bob
This is from Files on JFK in the chapter with the Chauncey Holt interview:Holt: We were there and Oswald started handing out the leaflets and we were right in anti-Castro country you know. Bud Belcher went down with me, and he actually handed out some of the leaflets. He was dressed almost like Oswald, but I wasn't. Leroy Young was there. I don't think he gave out any. There were some other people there I had never seen before. I didn't know who they were. People were coming and going, some seemed to be passers by, some seemed to have an unusual interest in it as if they were part of the group without actually taking part in it.By the way, it was Holt who produced these pamphlets that LHO and company handed out. Holt also prepared ID's for LHO, one in his own name and one for Alek Hidell.

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 5:01 pm
by kenmurray

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 9:41 pm
by JDThomas
It's interesting that the Fair Play for Cuba literature that LHO had was well out of date - it was not the stuff that the Committee were distributing at the time, so they obviously didn't supply him. Jim DiEugenio claims that David Atlee Phillips sourced it for him - do we have any connection between him Holt?Did Holt also claim to have produced Richard Case Nagell's Alek Hidell ID?

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 12:18 pm
by Bob
JDThomas wrote:It's interesting that the Fair Play for Cuba literature that LHO had was well out of date - it was not the stuff that the Committee were distributing at the time, so they obviously didn't supply him. Jim DiEugenio claims that David Atlee Phillips sourced it for him - do we have any connection between him Holt?Did Holt also claim to have produced Richard Case Nagell's Alek Hidell ID?Holt claimed that the IDs and pamphlets he made for LHO came from the orders of Phillip Twombly. Not directly from Twombly, but through his assistants, either David Palmer or Marlin Mayhab. Twombly at one point was the Executive Vice President of Coca Cola for their Caribbean operations. He along with Donald Kendall of Pepsi, were the eyes and ears for the CIA in that region.Holt said he delivered these documents to George Reynolds. An aide of Reynolds (probably Leroy Young) then delivered them to LHO.Twombly also instructed Holt and company to fly to New Orleans and give support to LHO as he handed out the pamphlets.In this particular interview that Holt gave, there is no mention of David Atlee Phillips or Richard Case Nagell.

Re: Was Ted Cruz's Father Involved In The JFK Assassination?

Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2016 2:26 pm
by kenmurray