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Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 12:58 pm
by dankbaar
First question: Bruce, can you tell us how and when Jimmy got these documents? ... /FBI2.htmI recall that he got them under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) when he was incarcerated in Oxford, Wisconsin, in the 1980's when Jimmy was preparing his appeal for the chop shop conviction. They were found in his strorage shed of aunt Kay. Correct? More questions to come....Wim

Re: Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:09 pm
by dankbaar
Second question:How does Jimmy feel about the fact that he was sacrified but his pal Michael Townley got a place in the witness protection program? For snitching and ratting everybody out? Back to the other point that I want to clear up. Bob Vernon had all of my papers, including the original manuscript and my notes for “To Kill A Country,” and he gave them to at that time, “warden Godinez” who is now the D.D. for the D.O.C. And in writing, I had it plainly stated the Orlando Letelier was killed by a bomb, that had the explosives transported by me, to Buckley, and Michael Townley put the bomb in his car, a Chevy Nova, if my memory is correct and the car exploded in front of the Chilean Embassy on Sheridan Circle, better known as Embassy Row. The explosives came from the Falcondo Mining Co. and they were 60 per-cent strength dynamite, that is referred to as “engineering explosives.” The man that I shot was sitting in the back seat of the limo when I pulled my .45 and shot the S.O.B. and yes, I ticked off a lot of people. But he was Russian, he was not a Chilean. Bob had all of the paperwork on all of this. Bob knows what I had down in writing and I even had the route that he, Orlando Letelier, took to work that morning. Ronnie Moffit and Michael Moffit were in the car with him. She was killed, but Michael survived it. Please tell them to get their facts straight. I know what I said.What or who does Jimmy mean with the "Russian, not a Chilean" that he shot? Wim

Re: Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 1:45 pm
by dankbaar
Third question: How does Jimmy feel about the fact there is a "David Atlee Phillips award" for CIA people that served the USA? While Jimmy rotted 30 years in hell? What mental defect does Jimmy have? To say that Phillips had a heavy hand in JFK, but still protects him in all the other coups and murders that David orchestrated? After all, JFK was just "a bump in the road", was he not? Was Jimmy not part of Orlando Letelier? Was Jimmy not part the overtrhow of Allende in 1973? Were those not also covert operations supervised by Dave? How does Jimmy feel that his pal Antonio Veciana is all over the news by finally admitting that the mysterious Maurice Bishop was indeed David Atlee Phillips? Something that Jimmy said many years before, since 1994, but Antonio lacked the guts to tell until recently? What is the fear and brainwash that Antonio and Jimmy suffer from? "My oath to the CIA" bla bla bla! Why could Antonio not say it before the HSCA in 1977? When it mattered! Why did he lie? Why did he wait until nobody cares anymore and all the culprits are dead? Coward! ... 70.htmlWhy could Antonio not admit to me in 2007? While I knew from Jimmy since 1994? questions to come....

Re: Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:01 pm
by Tom Bigg
I'm also interested in the history and stories around "Chuckie Typewriter" Nicoletti, how he got his nickname and whether James Files had one too. No doubt that some people deserved to get bumped off as law enforcement is a long and often failed process. My father spent some time after WWII living in Chicago working for a major company, at speak easys etc..

Re: Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:31 pm
by dankbaar
Fourth question: Bruce, what are you and Jimmy going to do with the ledger of Charles Nicoletti? Are you going to wait publishing Jimmy's memoirs after he is dead? That is soooo stupid. You don't get it, do you? The story of Chauncey Holt is much more provable! I and nobody else published his story! Oh yeah, his daugher Karyn and his son in law tried. But I did it! now he is dead. Don't you see what difference that does make? He is not there anymore to be interviewed and verify his story from his own mouth! Jimmy is! But you are his safeguard to keep him away from the media. To publish his story after he is dead. Are you insane, Bruce? You really think Jimmy and you are in jeopardy? You really think Jimmy cares at 77? A: Yes, but I will not say. That has no bearing on it. The only party that we are discussing about death basically at this point is John F. Kennedy. The other people have no bearing on this case and I don't even wish to discuss that.Q: I'm sorry I asked that....I just.....A: Like I say...I don't even want to quote that figure. I only have one person to judge me and that's when I die.Q: Do you believe in God, Jim?A: Well, whether I say I believe or not, I don't know... I guess I do in a way because every time I've been in trouble, I've looked down and I've said Oh, God help me to get out of this or help me to get this basically...I've caught myself praying to God on several occasions when I needed him. But like I say...I believe there's more to life than just here....I'm not saying I believe in heaven and hell, I'm just saying I believe there's another level of plane for us that we're going to all have to surface on someday.Bruce, if Jimmy goes before me, tell him to ask him my question to God: What kind of a God are you? Can you save Wim too? He needs it. If David, Sam, Carlos, Santo and Edward are there, we could all have a nice talk about the good old times in heaven over a nice glass of Scotch.

Re: Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 2:42 pm
by dankbaar
Tom Bigg wrote:I'm also interested in the history and stories around "Chuckie Typewriter" Nicoletti, how he got his nickname and whether James Files had one too. No doubt that some people deserved to get bumped off as law enforcement is a long and often failed process. My father spent some time after WWII living in Chicago working for a major company, at speak easys etc..One of Jimmy's nicknames was "Sandman". Because he put people to sleep.

Re: Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 3:47 pm
by Tom Bigg
As for the afterlife, and a "reward" in "heaven", people reap what they sow. Jesus said that many would come to him in the judgment saying they had been good Christians and because of the "wonderful" things they did they deserved some type of afterlife. Jesus said they were workers of lawlessness. Of course those who repent and make amends for the evil they have done get forgiveness and possibly a good afterlife, but that's God's decision not man's. For many Americans like the story of the rich man and Lazarus, the rich had their reward, they get nothing in the next life. Most will either be punished and burn up and be no more. If there is exceptional evidence I would do as I recommended before; use a top quality lawyer who can get the material examined and authenticated and take it from there.

Re: Questions to Bruce and Jimmy

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2017 7:19 pm
by Slav
Could it be there are not speaking because they have a contract to give there story to someone else ?