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Good summary of 8 years ago

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 7:34 am
by dankbaar
post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:19 amd'etat


Members of the CIA were involved in the Assassination/Coup d' etat of JFK.

Study David Atlee Phillips (DAP) storied Renegade Career. That does not mean that the CIA
or Phillips was totally in charge. DAP was involved w/ the highest levels and was there that
day, not to work on his vain suntan.

Members of the Pentagon were involved in the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK.

Study Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty's works. He further underscores the Stand Down Orders
with both the Military and the Secret Service.

That does not mean that the Pentagon was in charge.

Telling the Secret Service to stand down would only require one person, not the entire Secret
Service, that is ludicrous.

As Prouty states, merely say that another Unit is taking over today. Misdirection - Obfuscation !

Members of the DIA and DOA were involved in the Assassination/Coup d' etat of JFK.

Study Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty, and Lieutenant Colonel Dan "Dangerous Dan" Marvins works.

That does not mean that the DIA or DOD was in charge. But this was a Military Style Ambush, w/ Military Precision.

General Lansdale was there and had Operation Control on the ground for the Controlling Powers,
for the Assassination/Coup de' tat of JFK.

Do some research and study here.

Lee Harvey Oswald was no fluke, he just did not show up working there by coincidence. He was developed, having Intelligence Training, Intelligence Clearance, High Level Intelligence U - 2
involvement and Russian training, and had possession of the Highest Level CIA Spy Technology
w/ him in Dallas.

Do some research and study here also. LHO had been involved with James Earl Sutton, Guy
Bannister, David Ferrie, and too many others to count going back years.

LHO was J's escort around Dallas.

Jack Ruby was previously Jacob Rubenstein, having worked with Senator Richard Milhouse Nixon
verified as early as 1948 - then the Chicago Outfit - then Dallas - quit the resume.

Ruby then worked under Tony Accardo, and Sam Giancana in the Chicago Outfit.

Then Ruby was sent, ordered to go to operate in Dallas, Texas for the Chicago Outfit.

The CIA - Mafia ties with Hy Larner, Meyer Lansky, Howard Hughes, Bob Maheu, Lucky Luciano,
Benny "Bugsy" Segal, Frank Costello, Joe Kennedy, Jimmy Hoffa, and others involved in Cuba
Gambling, Drugs, Prostitution, Extortion, Murder, and countless other crimes is well documented.

There are over 5,750+ books alone on this Subject Matter.

JFK sought to break the Oil Depletion Allowance.

JFK Sought to end the Police Action in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

.JFK had legally ended the Federal Reserve.

JFK took on The Military Industrial Complex and The War Profiteers, along with The Seven
Sisters (The Seven Major Oil Companies).

JFK was taking on Civil Rights.

JFK had fired Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell, and Charles Cabel.

Assassination/Coup de' tats are not sent out on paper, or over the phone. There were no cell phones, no faxes, no blackberries, no email, etc.

The reasons for wanting JFK dead now fill the 75,000 + plus articles, books etc., on JFK.

Some real research, reading, and study is required.

This Cut And Paste Mentality so often displayed on JFK Forums simply provides very few overall
answers. Like everything else, the real secret is time consuming independent research and study, coupled with real thinking and analysis of many authoritative sources.There is no proof that the
CIA called off the hit on JFK. Allegedly, only Johnny Roselli said so. He had no rank or authority, so
Chain of Command arguments hold no water.

Don't wait for the CIA to admit anything. But the 40 + year freeze on JFK Documents by the CIA
and NSA tell me something.

So, no proof the CIA really called off anything for real. This weak point allows for Plausible Deniability. There was no real abort team.

Robert Tosh Plumlee, whom I like and respect, couldn't stop a single camera man, let alone a sniper walking around looking like Elvis Presley. He never approached Lansdale, Hunt, Sturges, the Umbrella Man, or his radio man, let alone J.

The so very obvious Umbrella Man was a signal man, next to a radio man.

You do not put an operation like this into play, then try to stop it on the scene simultaneous to
the Planned Event.

The box car filled with tons of explosives, left open near by was not a coincidence !

Jimmy Sutton did not go against any CIA orders as some state. Simply put your analysis is
totally wrong. You are right that Professionals follow orders. No valid Order to stop the hit was

Again, Phillips was not Operations Control. He was a Thinker, Planner, Controller, and Handler
at this point in time.

On 11.22.1963 Lansdale had Operations Control on the ground in the immediate area.

You offer a lot of, personal doubt and conjecture, with no thinking processes, and no references
to a single recognized authoritative source.

Seldom do I see such unsubstantiated arguments based upon such shallow levels of analysis.

The Assassination/Coup d'etat had at least 6 prior "dry runs." And only 2 - 3 have been discussed.

The Warren Commission, The House Select Committee, et. al., and the song goes on.

Why is there such an absolute 40 year stonewall over the JFK Assassination/Coup d' etat ?

Who had the power to pull it off, and cover it up ?

To believe some of the doubts Posted above, the JFK Assassination/Coup d' etat if not planned
w/ the CIA and other alphabet groups would have to be the Greatest Cosmic Coincidence in the
history of the planet earth.

I simply don't believe that.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?

Re: Good summary of 8 years ago

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 5:38 pm
by bobspez2
From everything that has been written it was a conspiracy.

There's no indication one person gave the order.

Nearby at the time were Hoover, Murchison, LBJ, Nixon, Bush.

It was a conspiracy agreed to by all the above, and all the above profited.

Three became president - Johnson - Nixon - GHWB.

Hoover got to head the FBI until he died at the age of 77.

Standing by at a CIA site in Virginia was Alan Dulles, who Kennedy had fired as head of the CIA,
and who LBJ appointed to the Warren Commission investigating the assassination of JFK.

What is there left to know?


Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 5:07 pm
by Bruce P. Brychek
11:07 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Forum Members and Readers:

06.29.2010 - I originally Posted and Circulated my outline/response to someone which
Wim Dankbaar thought enough of too recycle.

02.11.2018 - Bob Spez originally Posted and Circulated his analytically precise summary.

12.25.2020 - My Primary Focus is analyzing The Top Down Approach, collectively analyzing
the patterns and trends of the past, present, and future indications of The Deep State.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?