JFK Assassination
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Bruce Patrick Brychek
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Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

4:34 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Forum Members and Readers:

1943 - 1947, by David F. Rudgers, 2000, by the University Press of Kansas.

"Independent historian David F. Rudgers was formerly a staff archivist for the National
Archives and a Senior Intelligence Analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency."

"This book is a gem. It out trumps Thomas Troy's DONOVAN and should easily achieve
the status of the standard account of CIA origins.

Anyone with a serious interest in the history of the U.S. Intelligence will have to be
aware of it. I am filled with admiration for Rudgers's research and the forensic skill he
displays in putting the pieces of the debate into such clear perspective.


"While much has been disclosed about the CIA's cloak-and-dagger activities during the Cold
War, relatively little is known about the origins of this secret organization. David Rudgers, a
twenty-two-year CIA veteran, has written the first complete account of its creation, revealing
how the idea of a centralized intelligence developed within the government and debunking
the myth that former OSS chief William J. Donovan was the prime mover behind the agency's founding."

"CREATING THE SECRET STATE locates the CIA's origins in government-wide efforts to reorganize national security during the transition from World War II to the Cold War. Rudgers maintains that
the creation of the CIA was not merely the brain child of 'Wild Bill' Donovan. Rather, it was the culmination of years of negotiation among numerous policy makers such as James Forrestal and
Dean Acheson, each with strong opinions regarding the agency's mission and methods.

He shows that Congress, the Departments of State and Justice, the Joint Chiefs, and even the
Budget Bureau all had a hand in the establishment of this 'secret state' that operates nearly
invisibly outside the American political process."

"Based almost entirely on archival and other primary sources, Rudgers's book describes in detail
how the CIA evolved from its original purpose - as a watchdog to guard against a 'nuclear Pearl
Harbor' - to the role of clandestine warriors countering Soviet subversion, eventually engaging
in more forms of intelligence gathering and covert operations than any of its counterparts.

It suggests how the agency became a different organization than it might have been without
the Communist threat and also shows how it over exaggerated the dangers of the Cold War
and failed to predict its ending."

"Rudgers has written an accurate and balanced account that brings America's undercover
army in from the cold and out from under the cult of personality. An indispensable resource
for future studies of the CIA, CREATING THE SECRET STATE tells the inside story of why and
how the agency was called into existence as it stimulates thinking about the future relevance
of the CIA in a rapidly changing world.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?
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Post by Bob »

Excellent topic, Bruce. The CIA is a central piece to the secret state. As I've said many times now, the last four U.S. Presidents have all had ties or associations with the CIA previous to their residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.1947 was quite a year. The CIA was formed. Plus you had the event in Roswell. Finally, you had the United Nations proposing a plan in November of that year to set up an independent Jewish State, which later became Israel in May of 1948.Now, 69 years later, think about how all three of those events have changed the world in which we exist in today.
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Post by kenmurray »

Deep State Counter Intelligence: The Company...
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Post by kenmurray »

Peter Dale Scott: Deep Politics......
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Post by Slav »

Deep state is real. president Trump has no chance against this group.

they have over 50 years experience and it looks like Trump has lost control
of the Helm and is in the backseat.

I believe this is our last chance.
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Post by Bob »

Yes, there is a Secret State, but there is also the Donald, who I believe is dirty. When it comes to his administration, just "follow the money" when looking for dirt. Humpty Trumpty has surrounded himself in the White House and in his cabinet with people who have proven time and time again that they are ethically challenged when it comes to acquiring wealth. Examples are Steven Mnuchin, Wilber Ross, Tom Price and on and on. It goes to figure, as when all this comes out, and it will, Trumplestiltskin has been beholden to the Russian oligarchs and Putin in an elaborate money laundering scheme. When a guy has as many bankruptcies as the Donald has had, and then you have the near financial collapse in 2008, where do you think his money is coming from. Mother Russia, baby. That is the main reason Trump won't put out his tax returns. The clues are there. You just have to want to look.Back to the Deep State. the intelligence agencies play a big part in the Deep State. The CIA, FBI and NSA. When there is real "fake news", they join with the MSM to put it out there. Examples are the JFK assassination, 9/11, the killing of Osama bin laden and the Boston bombing.What's going on today with all the bad news which is going on in the Trump administration is not fake news, but real news. The intelligence agencies are helping the Washington Post and the New York Times by leaking information to them. Similar to what happened in Watergate, when Mark Felt (Deep Throat) was giving information to Bob Woodward (a former Naval intelligence officer) of the Washington Post.The intelligence agencies do not like Russia or Putin or the former KGB or the now FSB. They also don't like the fact that Trump has belittled them on several occasions, plus has now fired James Comey and is obviously in bed with Putin, which means the FSB.There is a reason why Jared Kushner's dad spent time in prison. And it was Chris Christie who put him there too. All I can say is the apple didn't fall far from the tree with Kushner. The Trump and Kushner families have both been helped out with tons of foreign money, mostly from Russia, but also China.The bottom line, the news is going to get worse for the Donald, as the intelligence agencies have declared war on him and the MSM will keep getting leaks from them to keep exposing more dirt on Trump.
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Post by kenmurray »

EX CIA Officer Exposes The Shadow Government:
Bruce P. Brychek
Global Moderator, Senior Member
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Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

10:25 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Forum Members and Readers:

02.15.2016 - I originally Posted this important Headline and Supporting Material.

Bob Fox, Ken Murray, and Slav made excellent additional contributions.

01.01.2021 - The United States of America appears to be collapsing to various
descending levels of chaos across the country.

Does there appear to be any Beginning Game, Middle Game, and End Game occurring
for the benefit and good of "We the People...", from the Professional Politicians that
are hired to serve us ?

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?
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Post by bspez »

From everything I have read and seen and experienced, the beginning, middle and end gain has been to maintain the status quo and the existing power structure. In my lifetime, the only things done by the government that effected my life and well being and that of my children and grandchildren personally were Social Security, Medicare, ending the draft. At some point Obamacare's ending of caps on insurance payouts may effect me, but has not personally done so to date. But it could.

Decades ago a co-worker's young wife and mother of their young children had an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant. She wanted to go for a second transplant (generally a 25% chance of success on the second one) but was denied coverage by our company insurance plan because she had reached a $1Million cap on payouts. She quickly died.

Democrat, Republican really didn't matter. I've lived through Truman, Ike, JFK, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama, Trump. I personally haven't had any different experience through any of them.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

How odd to see Clark in the source review--he's credited with supplying the armor used to incinerate the scapegoated Davidians. The hand of NATO/GLADIO showing in the false flag of '93, the year Sessions was pulled, Freeh inserted--Foster removed--

--and speaking of Forrestal. . .and Acheson. David Martin is the defining authority on the murder of Forrestal--in '49 the year of Orwell's 1984. The following January Acheson at the Press Club address omits Korea from the U.S. perimeter--and by June Kim Il-sung is invading--"Feed me!" cries the War State.

Did Donovan figure in CIA's founding? Does it matter? Stephenson the Man Called Intrepid referred to Donovan as "one of ours"--and today's Five Eyes matches Preparata's Seagoing Powers (see Conjuring Hitler): U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

An MI6 source provided fictional material for a dossier used by FBI Director Comey to obtain FISA warrants to enact a Hillary Clinton strategy of disinformation--claim the newly-elected Donald J. Trump was a Russian collaborator--but two years, forty-two million dollars, thirteen Hillary lawyers produced what Robert Mueller conceded was no evidence.

Why then the manic Trump Derangement Syndrome? Why was JFK so despised? They each in their individual way rejected the primacy of the military industrial (intelligence) complex in matters of state.

Harry Truman in his editorial of December 1963 lamented CIA's covert activities--certainly he'd granted them freedom of action provided the United States government could deny same. His title, "Limit CIA to Intelligence" was one voice lost in the hurricane--of course Allen Dulles visited Truman and attempted to persuade him to recant, but was unsuccessful. True to devious character Truman claimed to Agency counsel Houston that Truman had expressed second thoughts--not so.

All the bloviation of Kennedy the Commie-lover and Trump the Russian puppet were merely the tantrum of those not used to having their extraconstitutional power questioned.

The answer in '63 was to "just shoot the bastard"--today, steal the election--after all, the machines and software from Venezuela's dystopia were accessed from post-election USB drives and internet connections as far away as Hong Kong. The ballot process was so diluted by three hundred suits and countless tramplings of Article II by officials and judges it was a breeze to shove out the observers and drive in the enormous quantities of fresh unfolded "ballots".

Observe the arrogance of Ned Beatty's portrayal in the 1976 film Network and the 2007 film Shooter--it's an iron will to power backed up by the means motive opportunity for every crime up to and including murder.

The former head of CIA John Brennan voted for Gus Hall in 1976 and converted as Riyad chief of station 1996-9, then donated to the mysterious Hussein Grand Mufti of Martha's Vineyard, even as he accessed the latter's passport file doing business as The Analysis Corp.

In the above review reference is made to the Agency's failure to predict the collapse of the Soviet Union. But did it fail?

Did it fail to foresee the invasion by North Korea and the subsequent infusion of a million PLA "volunteers".

And even before that did it not see the Mao victory in China--or would it be blind to the Castro-Moscow axis a decade later?

Did it only at the eleventh hour detect missiles ninety miles off our shore?

Clearly the Agency's allegiance is outside the U.S. Constitution--and has been since its birth in the 1947 act.

Allen Dulles appears at the inception of the UFO mythology.

Doctor Feel Good & Alien Dulles


To start I shall focus on Allen Dulles’ role in the creation of the modern day UFO phenomenon. This was born out of the Cold War, which have had far reaching and, dare I say, negative consequences on society and on research into the Kennedy assassination and other such areas. One person who consistently wrote about the problems of the CIA playing ‘God’ at the time was an important lower rung establishment figure by the name of Dr. Leon Davidson, who implicated Dulles all the way through his research career. Both parts of this essay are based largely on his commentaries. This focus on Dulles, flies in the face of the accusations that Jim Angleton was involved in running the asinine MJ-12 program to cover up UFOs; in this regard there’s little evidence that Angleton himself was part of a ‘disinformation campaign’. Individuals like Angleton may have pulled a shift or two in the alien palaver promoting bogus UFO stories, but not in the crucial period between the end of WWII and Dulles becoming DCI in 1953. It seems the core people behind Dulles pushing the original UFO agenda were Charles Cabell and CD Jackson, with important if indirect roles coming from Frank Wisner and Dulles’s brother John Foster upon Eisenhower’s election in 1952. ... preamble-i

That masterstroke of misdirection would be used to discredit any objectors to suspicious events--even as two decades later the Agency would issue a memo instructing a refinement of this method:

In most cases the critics have speculated as to the existence of some kind of conspiracy, and often they have implied that the Commission itself was involved.

For four years the Agency has made the Article II president its target--while finding nothing amiss in the former vice president's compromise by the Peoples Republic of China.

Just as the National Security Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have followed this political course, neglecting the further penetration by agents of the PRC, most recently those assigned to members of congress, not to mention the massive infusion of dark money from that source.

As in Moscow from 1917 on, and Berlin from 1933 on, Washington's power elite operate outside the bounds of constitution or law--or the will of the people.

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