
JFK Assassination
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Bruce P. Brychek
Global Moderator, Senior Member
Posts: 5122
Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am


Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

10:03 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Assassination Forum Global Members & Readers:

We are developing and expanding our bases of communication and discussion, hopefully intellectually broad enough to encompass reasonably, as many Important Subject Matters as possible, many seen as inter-connected, by many - and adding thereto going forward in time.

We began w/ broad topic overviews of focuses on The Removal's of JFK, MX, MLK, and RFK, the Oklahoma Bombing, 09.11.2001, the bombing of 12.25.2020 - in Nashville, Tennessee, and related subject matters - intending to connect the past, present, and possible future dots - indications - patterns - trends !

Developing Subject Matters:

the 1929 Stock Market Crash, the 21+ U.S. Intelligence Agencies, Adolph Hitler, Afghanistan, Agents blue, green, orange and white, the Air Force, Allen Welsh Dulles, Amazon, the Army, Assassinations both Actual Assassinations and Character Assassinations, Barbara Honegger, M.S., the Big Event, biological warfare, the Bill of Rights, brainwashing, Cambodia, Canada, chemical warfare, China, the Civil War, CIA, the CIA Level 4, the Coast Guard, Continuity of Government (COG), Control of the Population, crime, Cuba, the DEA, the death penalty, the Declaration of Independence, the Deep State, Delta Force, Democracy, the Department of Defense, Depopulation Practices and Theories, both Direct and Indirect, the DIA, diseases, the DOD, Douglas Caddy, Esq., drugs - abuse of both illegal and legal, Dwight David Eisenhower, the U.S. and World economies, the entire U.S. Education System and SOP going forward, the Federal Reserve Banking Rules, System and Structure, the Great Depression, the High Cabal, the entire 2020 Presidential Election Process, Fascism, the FBI, the FBI Level 5, governments, the Green Beret's, hypnotism, history, imprisonment, inoculations, intelligence agencies, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, James Vincent Forrestal, Jim Marrs, John Foster Dulles, the Jonestown Massacre, journalism, Judy Wood, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., the Kidon, Marxism, Mexico, the Navy, Laos, law and order, mob action, life time imprisonment w/o the possibility of parol, Lyman Louis Lemnitzer, Lisa Pease, Leninism, main stream media, Majestic Twelve, the Marines, Martial Law, Maximum Security and Isolation in prison, MI-5, MI-6, MK Ultra, the military industrial complex and corporations, mind control, the Mossad, NASA, the Navy Seals, Nazis, Nicola Tesla, North Korea, the Nuremberg trials, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Northwoods, Operation Paperclip, OSS and the metamorphosis from the OSS to the CIG to the CIA, Pakistan, Pearl Harbor, the Pentagon, Perception Management, Persia and the evolution to Iran, politics, politicians, Population Control, Posse Comitatus Act, prison reform, psychoactive drugs, psychological warfare, recidivism, Reinhard Gehlen, Richard Milhous Nixon, Russia, the Secret 13th Amendment, the Seven Sisters, Socialism, sodium pentothal, South Korea, Space Force, subliminal programming, Syria, torture, truth serums, the U.S Constitution, the U-2, Vietnam, vigilante, viruses, Waco, the War Department, warfare, wars, W. Averell Harriman, Wernher von Braun, Winston Churchill, WW I, WW II, Zyklon B gas, etc.

As "We the People..." face and struggle through 2021 the challenges will continue in evolving processes - in some very unpredictable - convoluted Conditions and Times.

Coronavirus vs. Chaos vs. Major Economic Collapsing vs. War(s) ? Where are "We the People..." headed ?, or More Realistically Being Led by our noses in little Blue nosebags !

Our Advisory Group - projects, organization, etc., are improving and moving w/ emphasis on establishing a solid Foundation and Take Off for intelligent relevant discussions throughout 2021 and beyond.

All Civil Academic Discussions of Relevance either Pro or Con are encouraged. We hope to present some interesting facts and theories relevant from the past - to the present - and through our ever evolving futures - while analyzing and comparing patterns and trends w/in the history of "We the People..."

Some of you may be amazed at reviewing some material referenced herein that you may be unfamiliar w/.

We all will not agree all of the time, but let's agree to be academic and professional.

Certainly together we will create new questions - yet important answers usually never come easily.

I believe that real professional Journalism should be the First Draft of History, w/ honesty, integrity, no previous agendas, professionalism, and constant refocusing to determine the Truth.

Steel sharpens steel...

All are Welcome to join us and Contribute Free - just be civil - please.

Last edited by Bruce P. Brychek on Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 5010
Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am


Post by SLAV »

Merry Christmas to Everyone including @realdonaldtrump the Best there is .

and all the Great Members Here
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Bruce P. Brychek
Global Moderator, Senior Member
Posts: 5122
Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am


Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

3:35 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Assassination Forum Global Members & Readers:

12.09.2020 - I originally Posted this material.

What are your beliefs, insights, thoughts, wishes, etc., for today ?

August, 2024 Chicago is scheduled to host The Democratic National
Convention, if it is not changed to Virtual.

The 1968 Chicago Democratic National Convention was chaos, crime,
looting, rioting, etc. Mayor Daley issued the now Famous/Infamous
Shoot to Kill Order.

Current training in Chicago this week was for Mass Arrests.

Bruce P. Brychek
Global Moderator, Senior Member
Posts: 5122
Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am


Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

3:17 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Global Members & Readers:

07.21.2024, POTUS Joe Biden formally announced he is not running for POTUS.

August, 2024 the Democratic National Convention is still scheduled live in

The announcement many anticipated spread quickly in collapsing, crime infected

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