JFK Assassination
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Post by Slav »

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Post by JDThomas »

Not being 'on the ground' in Illinios it is difficult for me to fully undertand the mindset of everyone involved there. Is there the possibility however that the police and the public authorities have just given up on a big section of Chicago society? Feeling unable to do anything positive to stop they cycle of violence, they have settled on letting the perps kill or maim each other and accept the innocent bistander victims as collateral damage? Then worry about the last man standing?Just a thought.
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Post by bobspez2 »

I lived and worked in NYC from 1971 through 2004. In the 1970's there were close to three times as many homicides in NYC (close to or over 2000 per year) as there were recently in Chicago. In the 1970's I worked the swing shift (5:00PM to 12:30PM) in Greenwich Village in Manhattan and commuted by subway to Brooklyn where I lived. People essentially were on their guard at all times on the streets after midnight, ready for an attack. A co-worker who commuted home to the black section of Brooklyn said people carried open knives when they got off the train to avoid being mugged. People getting off the train would walk past each other on the train platform with their knives at port arms and nod to each other as they passed. I remember reading Bruce Lee's book where he said if you kept a 10' circle of safety around you, you would be OK. Whenever I saw someone dodgy I crossed the street or walked in the street with traffic until they were clear of me. I came close a few times but never got mugged, but others did. I was young and it was just a part of life. Now I'm retired in the suburbs where the only people I'm leery of are the cops. I live in southern NJ, but the cops may as well be from Alabama.
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Post by Slav »

No profit in peace wars and Murders are big business with 16000 murders yearly
Bruce P. Brychek
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Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

11:17 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Forum Members and Readers:

04.17.2017 - I originally Posted and Circulated this important Headline and Supporting Material.

Reviewing my thinking along w/ these excellent contributions I submit for analysis now:

1. The Greater Good has been the Unarticulated Premise in the U.S. for centuries.

I believe that this process is now more grossly revealed than ever before, and it is now
totally out of control.

2. The Out of Control Government is Uncontrollable, and Currently Has Control of Nothing !


* The Government, our government, what government?, IS OUT OF CONTROL,

* The Government, our government, what government?, IS UNCONTROLLABLE, and

* The Government, our government, what government?, IS CONTROLLING NOTHING !

What is your current level of confidence w/ our Government ?

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?
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Post by bspez »

I don't see it so bleakly. There's an old saying that the wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow, but exceedingly well. Over the arc of history many countries have seen improvements in living conditions, health care, and individual liberty. Many have not. Are there abuses by those in power? Of course. Does the reality live up to the rhetoric? Of course not.

For most people the current age gives them an opportunity to find a safe niche in life, if they are willing to live and let live. In my lifetime of 74 years I have experienced all of the benefits of living in this age, in this place. I got a good public school education. I was able to live at home and work my way through UCLA. I luckily avoided being drafted and being sent to Vietnam. I was able to find good paying work in my birthplace of NYC, raise a family, buy a house, downsize and retire to Southern NJ with my wife of 47 years. Good health insurance and good medical care kept me alive when I was hit with serious illnesses. I'm not rich and never climbed the ladder of success and never wanted to. Finding your own safe niche in life is probably as good as it gets.

It's a far different life I had than my Dad who grew up in the depression, joined the Civilian Conservation Corps with his brother and fought in WWII. Stationed in Munich during the occupation after the war, he met my Mom, a Serbian displaced person, and married her. He brought her, my two aunts, and my aunt's husband, a Romanian displaced person, back to Brooklyn with him. As a returning GI my Dad got work as a cab driver and a brick layer. He, my Mom, and I lived in his father's converted garage. When they divorced, my Mom supported us with her job as a secretary. Coming from a poor background I always was able to seek out opportunities. What success I achieved was always because someone gave me a chance to prove myself. I don't begrudge anyone getting welfare or assistance or anyone with an illegal status. There but for the grace of God go I. I don't invest in the stock market or begrudge paying taxes. This country has given me a low cost education, economic opportunity, a decent living, SS and Medicare. Is it a country capable of good and evil? Yes, without a doubt.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

I believe this thread began with an article on Chicago unavailable from the link. I assume the premise was the killing of blacks by blacks in that city despite the perennial rule by the party of slaveholders rebranded as "woke".

Submitted for your approval the modest proposal that for some, not necessarily all or most, urban centers the people are to be distracted with the bread and circuses of the later emperors, while the morality, education, and virtue decline and barbarians threaten the borders.

We have recently been treated to the most obscene spectacle of criminality, corruption, and cowardice in the governmental, media, academic elite. I shall enumerate.

We were told by our intelligence establishment, the National Security Agency of James Clapper, the Central Intelligence Agency of John Brennan, the Federal Bureau of Investigation of James Comey that the president was an agent of Russia.

This arose from the desperate drive to distract from the treasonous dealings of the defeated candidate, the sale of access to foreign despots, a pay-for-play scheme concealed by wholesale destruction of evidence and the subsidizing of a false dossier from foreign intelligence.

To follow would be a bad faith impeachment claiming criminality in the president's attempt to uncover the corruption of the previous vice president.

Now comes the Chinese paper dragon virus, a phenomenon with a 95% survival rate in its most vulnerable demo, while the banshee shriek of "experts" warns of "two million deaths".

On its heels cities are at the mercy of fascist "Antifa" and Marxist "BurnLootMurder" thugs who attack the weak, destroy small businesses, loot stores, burn buildings, injure and kill police.

Finally a systematic theft of the election is based on computer programs from Venezuela financed by the ilk of Zuckerberg's "Safe Elections" laundry, the massive dumping of fraudulent ballots, the gangster expelling of observers facilitating shameless schemes of scanning duplicates, falsifying signatures and postmarks.

Behind all the years of treachery lie Xi Jinping and his handmaidens Gates, Fauci, Biden, Zuckerberg and of course the most vicious pair of vipers in the swamp, Pelosi and Schumer.

The greatest expenditure of the most powerful nation on earth provided money for gender studies in Pakistan and 25M for congressional salary increases--but only crumbs for the common man.

It is not necessary to assassinate the president with bullets if it can be done with ballots.

The two wars begun with the 9/11 false flag cannot be stopped if the sole obstruction is removed by hijacking his re-election.

And thus are the 74M who support him in this ongoing Mad-as-Hell movement disenfranchised.

The emperors are quite naked and laughing at us.

They will have their Nicolae Ceaucescu moment of glory ended in graceless fashion.

They are caught between the five-millennial dragon who uses them and the millions of citizens who despise them.

Despite the popular catch phrase, we have not seen the end of history.

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