What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

JFK Assassination
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Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Post by Barney »

In looking up the Rothschild International banking cartel, the article stated that the true accurate wealth of thisbanking family going back to Frankfurt, Germany is undeterminable, being anywhere from 1 to 100 trillion dollars,spread out over every continent on the globe in all kinds of assets, banking, mining, industrials, manufacturing,precious metals etc. so it was hard to find a hard fast figure of wealth.
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Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Post by Barney »

Just recd. the book on the life and times of financial wizard and banker, Andrew Mellon, who also became Secretary of the Treasury. In scan reading a few pages, Mellon complained that there was no way to balance thenational budget unless the loopholes, tax-dodges and tax havens domestic and offshore, were closed by Congresspassing an act forbidding such tax havens for the ultra-rich among us. It was his opinion back in the late 1920's-30'sthat at minimum 30-40 Trillion in assets was being hidden from federal, state, and local taxes by the ultra-rich andcorporations.
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Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Post by Bob »

More news from Goldman Sachs...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-1 ... .htmlAgain, please see the Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura episode about Wall Street if you haven't already...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvaGbb6P ... tedGoldman Sachs is prominent in the episode.
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Re: What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Post by kenmurray »

Bob wrote:More news from Goldman Sachs...http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-1 ... .htmlAgain, please see the Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura episode about Wall Street if you haven't already...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvaGbb6P ... tedGoldman Sachs is prominent in the episode. One of Jesse's best episodes. He exposes these bastards for sure.
Bruce P. Brychek
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What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

10:54 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

11.08.2010 - Barney originally Posted and Circulated this important Headline and Supporting Material.

A short interesting discussion developed.

01.08.2021 - 11 years later how important is this question now ? To you and yours ?

Realistically our country and economy will survive, but not w/o many catastrophes.

"We the People..." probably aren't riding the Titanic.

But "We the People..." will probably go for a deep dive in an economic and social Submarine.

How long are you prepared to go down under ?

Wear your Blue Nose Bag and all will be well, right ?

Incidentally Illinois Governor Pritzker just extended for 150 more days the Coronavirus' latest mandate.

All is really good in Illinois - unless you're a victim !


As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?
Bruce P. Brychek
Global Moderator, Senior Member
Posts: 5122
Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am

What Happens When The US Economy Collapses??

Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

11:52 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Global Members & Readers:

11.08.2010 - Barney originally Posted this Powerful Headline & Supporting Material.

A discussion developed the thought pattern then. How about NOW !

07.26.2024 - In downtown Chicago today many caring Professionals active/retiring/
retired Military, Law Enforcement, & Contract Security) are suggesting that the U.S.
Economy has already collapsed for many Legal Americans.

Crime, desperation, loss of hope, etc.


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