Is Donal Trump our Winston Churchill for Now ?

JFK Assassination
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Bruce P. Brychek
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Is Donal Trump our Winston Churchill for Now ?

Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

10:47 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Global Members & Followers:

Is Donald J. Trump our Winston Churchill for now, for these
convoluted, global, increasingly worsening troubled times ?

Adolph Hitler feared one man entering WW II, Winston Churchill.

Churchill's contemporaries all wanted to seek Peace through Mussolini
for Hitler, appeasing both.

Churchill defied his King, his Military, & his Party. He fought &
thought for the "We the People...".

Churchill once said: "You can not negotiate with a lion when
your head is in his mouth."

Look at both the Global & U.S. mess today.

Trump is not a Silver Bullet in my Mind's Eye, but what are our
alternatives ?

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