James W Douglass on Fletcher Prouty

JFK Assassination
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John Zeroski
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James W Douglass on Fletcher Prouty

Post by John Zeroski »

I have always put a couple of question marks after the name of Fletcher Prouty when
I had viewed Prouty's material on the British films TMWKK.

Looking at what Douglass had to say about him on pages 196-197, I have pretty much
decided that he was a CIA asset and that his chief function as one throughout the years
of his influence was to perpetuate the myth that the CIA, whatever else can be brought
against this organization, was not involved in the JFK assassination.

In essence, his argument from TMWWK runs as follows, taken from Jim Marrs' The
Terror Conspiracy: page 400:"...This is the greatest single clue to the assassination-who
had the power to call off or reduce the usual security precautions that are always in effect
whenever a president travels?

Castro did not kill Kennedy, NOR DID THE CIA.

The power source that arranged that murder was on the inside". (My italics)

I believe some people would agree that the assassination can be divided up between the
"power" that decided to murder the president and the "executive action" group that actually
did the deed.

By his argument, Prouty appears to be suggesting that because the CIA was not the
"power" behind the assassination, they were not part of the group that carried out the

I believe by now many people believe, from a variety of sources, that the CIA, along with
others, such as military intelligence, the mob, etc., was in fact the executive action group.

The disclaimer in the Ballantine paperback edition of The Secret Team claims that "but as
he was not assigned to the CIA he is not bound by any oath of secrecy".

This disclaimer is not to be found in the 1973 Prentice-Hall hardbound publication.

Anyone who has followed Prouty's career path and realizes he went back to college to
study international banking and become an International banker (!) and was the banker
for the retired CIA personnel might wonder how that was at all possible.
Bruce P. Brychek
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James W Douglass on Fletcher Prouty

Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

12:12 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Forum Members and Readers:

01.24.2011 - John Zeroski Posted and Circulated this important Headline and Supporting

Almost ten years later and I have never read a more brilliant, focused, and penetrating
analysis of Colonel Leroy Fletcher Prouty's involvement and relativity to the CIA.

This surgical analysis further underscores my Focus and Interest on The Top Down
Approach to the Removal of JFK and Related Subject Matters.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?
Phil Dragoo
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Re: James W Douglass on Fletcher Prouty

Post by Phil Dragoo »

"I want a focal point," Dulles said. "I want an office that's cleared to do what we have to have done; an office that knows us very, very well and then an office that has access to a system in the Pentagon. But the system will not be aware of what initiated the request--they'll think it came from the Secretary of Defense. They won't realize it came from the Director of Central Intelligence."

This is the excerpt of Douglass Unspeakable pp 196-7 referenced above. It is suggested Prouty was a Dulles asset placed as Pentagon liaison to covert operations, ostensibly military but in reality intelligence.

Prouty identified Lansdale in Dallas in a Tramps photo--and Lansdale is perhaps the premier example of the military-cloaked intelligence asset.

As Douglass notes, after JFK fired Dulles, Helms assumed ad hoc control of the Agency--clearly McCone was a figurehead.

Helms had Harvey contact Maheu to reach out to Roselli to have Giancana provide the mechanics for a Castro hit--we would see this as a cover for a JFK plot--typical deniability built in through misstated purpose and a myriad of cutouts.

Was Prouty given an alibi with his Antarctic assignment? Or was he out of the loop entirely?

Is it not likely that certain figures in the military and intelligence leadership doubted the wisdom of JFK's withdrawal from Cold War policies and efforts toward detente and disarmament? When the echoes of the shots died they gave no consideration to the actors or propriety, only to the result: a change in policy toward realignment with Cold War practice.

Prouty suggested a room of influencers who made a comment indicating the president was an obstacle--that no order was given, only the transfer of a tacit proposition--much like Ike's comments regarding Lumumba.

We know the sentiments of the chiefs. Dulles would later say, "That little Kennedy--he thought he was a god." This directs us back to Ike's January 1961 warning--the Article II president was an anachronism--the new power was a military-industrial complex. Today we would say military-intelligence, with a strong technological orientation.

Information supremacy has supplanted the missile gap--now it's satellites, cyber attacks--with the occasional gee-whiz nod to hypersonics and directed energy.

Behind it all are corrupt men who serve power acquisition--and the Constitution be damned.

Witness the Russian collusion hoax and the theft of the election to insure the War to Protect the Free Flow of Heroin at Market Prices is not disturbed by a temporary resident of the White House.

Recent reporting on the Nashville incident links W's Treasury Snow and GHSB's Quayle with Soros the Nazi fanboy in a Dominion/Staple Street/Cerebus three-headed dog.

There is a cabal which includes the supposedly conservative Bush Dynasty with the ultra-radical islamo-communist Obama regime--and it is united against Trump.

We see the speech of Ned Beatty in Network 1976 and Shooter 2007--power.

The machine is described in Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in The Age of Oil.

It is an anonymous group which utilizes financial, economic, military, intelligence, special forces, diplomacy and propaganda to pacify populations, decapitate regimes, secure exploitation of resources.

JFK and Donald J. Trump have opposed this trans-national--supranational--cabal, referred to by Churchill as "a grand cabal".

In the past the common man was subjugated by warlords, barbarian chiefs, theocratic rulers, divine right despots, armed fascist/communist rulers.

Today these figures have at their disposal technologies known but to a few.

What the rulers have not yet reaped is the whirlwind of enlightenment.

They await their Nicolae Ceaușescu final act.

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