3:28 p.m.
Chicago, Illinois time:
Dear JFK RFK MLK Forum Readers and Members:
A non-American friend (is that Politically Correct enough today ?), whom I have known and communicated w/ for a long time, sent me this message the other day:
Condensed version, my words, Global Observations of our "Democratic Process" aren't receiving high marks right now.
My overall observation is that either way after this is Finalized, over one half of America's will feel lied, cheated, and deceived by American Politicians. Oh Well, then nothing new to see here.
Secret Fantasy: If Biden/Harris are Finalized, then on 02.01.2021 I would love to see The House of Representatives begin Impeachment Hearings against Biden - and then let then drag on for 3+ years.
As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.
Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?
Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK Researchers
who may not be as well versed as you.
Comments ?
- Global Moderator, Senior Member
- Posts: 5210
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am
- Global Moderator, Senior Member
- Posts: 5210
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am
12:02 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:
12.20.2020- I originally Posted this Focused Opinionated Headline & Supporting
Material as a simple composite reflection of what is thought of our U.S. POTUS
Selections then. This was mild & non-vulgar. Many were not.
07.31.2024 - After the Trump Event the World is more critical & more focused
on our country, people, & systems, especially w/ this POTUS November, 2024
looming closer & closer daily.
12:02 a.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:
12.20.2020- I originally Posted this Focused Opinionated Headline & Supporting
Material as a simple composite reflection of what is thought of our U.S. POTUS
Selections then. This was mild & non-vulgar. Many were not.
07.31.2024 - After the Trump Event the World is more critical & more focused
on our country, people, & systems, especially w/ this POTUS November, 2024
looming closer & closer daily.
- Global Moderator, Senior Member
- Posts: 5210
- Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am
12:38 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:
Dear Global Members & Readers;
12.10.2020 - I Posted the thoughts about the POTUS Election from a friend
from another country.
Here's something today w/ Appreciation/Thanks to KEIHATSU.
U.S. Elections Are Clown Shows
Tue, Nov 26 at 12:23 PM
KEIHATSU: The Japanese concept meaning enlightenment, knowledge, truth, awareness, understanding and education.
U.S. Elections Are Clown Shows
A Secure, Effective Election System Is Presented
NOV 26
Elections fraud to one degree or another has existed in the United States for well over a century. But fraud has become rampant and entrenched in U.S. elections more recently, over the past 20 years or so.
As an American, I’m ashamed to say our nation is a laughingstock and corrupt banana republic when it comes to elections. Our election system is a pathetic clown show, with fraud as blatant and glaring as the sun.
Voting fraud has reached the point where no U.S. election result can be fully trusted. Government corruption is rampant and out of control, and elections fraud is an extension of that corruption.
There is no rational and justifiable reason for such fraud to continue. The U.S. is a powerful nation with advanced technology, science and engineering and many millions of extremely intelligent people with integrity. It’s absurd that our elections are so filled with fraud, ‘glitches,’ incompetence and confusions.
There is only one reason for such a clown show to exist and continue - too many politicians and government officials want to commit elections fraud. No other conclusion is possible given the sorry state of U.S. elections.
A simple, effective, fraud-free and nearly foolproof system for elections is presented in this article. The only reason why this system would not be implemented is a lack of will by the majority of Americans to demand clean, accurate elections - enough will and insistence to overcome the intention of politicians/government officials to allow elections fraud.
There is a maxim of human group dynamics that is nearly as true as any law of physics: IF FRAUD CAN BE DONE, FRAUD WILL BE DONE BY A MINORITY PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE.
Unfortunately, that minority percentage includes U.S. politicians and government officials.
Four Methods of Elections Fraud
1. Computer Voting Machines
Computer voting machines have the potential for unlimited fraud - and made worse when connected to the internet (most computer voting machines are internet-compatible, regardless of false assurances to the contrary by machine manufacturers and election officials). These machines can be programmed to add, alter or delete votes, and therein lies the problem. And, it can be impossible to verify these votes or conduct accurate investigations/verifications later.
As just one of many examples: On Jan. 19, 2024 in federal court in Atlanta, Prof. J. Alex Halderman hacked a Dominion voting machine to change the vote tabulation. He did this right in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg, using only a pen to change the totals.
Prof. Halderman wrote a detailed report on voting machine weaknesses in July 2021. Most of his warnings and recommendations have been ignored.
2. Ballot boxes
Ballot boxes are legal in 39 states. To me, allowing ballot boxes is pure insanity. There is no way to verify the identity of voters nor the chain of custody from ballot box votes. There is no way to determine if ballot box votes are replaced or trashed. The potential for fraud is high using ballot boxes for these reasons.
3. Mail-In Voting
Mail-in and early voting are very popular. Unfortunately, mail-in voting suffers from the same fraud potentials as ballot boxes - it is impossible to verify these votes are valid when no proper chain of custody protocols are followed. Election boards have no way to determine who actually filled out the vote, if the person is a citizen or not, if the person is alive or dead, if the vote was contaminated in some way between the home and precinct, etc.
(State and precinct voter roles are poorly maintained by most states, and all attempts to clean them result in a flood of lawsuits that usually rule against the clean-up.)
The final report from the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform chaired by Pres. Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker stated “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud” and “Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.”
4. Not Requiring Voter ID
In this last election (Nov 5, 2024), 15 states did NOT require voters to verify their identity or citizenship: California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and Nevada. (All these states except for Nevada are controlled by Democrats.)
California even passed a law BANNING requiring voter ID!
To any rational person with integrity, requiring ID to vote is as common-sense and essential as breathing. Not requiring verification of citizenship and identity is irrefutable proof that non-citizens and dead people are allowed to vote in those states - illegally of course.
ID is required to travel, to open bank accounts, cash checks, to drive and so on. So what is the rationale not to require ID for such an enormously important activity as voting? There is only one conclusion possible: to allow non-citizens and dead people to vote, illegally.
Most of the 15 states above have publicly stated they want to give all non-citizens (legal and illegal) the right to vote. By not requiring voter ID, they have allowed non-citizens to vote - illegally and in blatant disregard of the law.
A Fraud-Free, Accurate and Secure Election System
The US must ban all computer voting machines, mail-in voting and ballot boxes - for the reasons stated above.
Only citizens can vote. And they must be alive. This is already law in America, but these laws have been ignored and dismissed by the 15 states listed above, and possibly other states as well.
All voting is to be done with paper ballots only. Paper ballots must have anti-counterfeiting and security measures: special paper, barcodes, serial numbers, watermarks.
Read-only optical scanners for the above paper ballots are the only machines to be allowed, as these can’t be programmed to add, alter or delete votes. Hand counting to verify. Paper ballots make it possible to conduct accurate investigations and recounts if needed.
In-person voting only, and only on election day. (Or even designating 2 consecutive election days if needed to make this system more workable.) All voters must present valid photo ID (driver’s license, passport or state-issued photo ID). Any citizen can get a valid ID from their state if they don’t have a driver’s license or passport. No ID = No Vote.
The military already has a workable system in place for their people abroad, and that can remain as is. But proof of citizenship and identity must carried out even for military personnel. And all military personnel in the U.S. on election day must vote in person as every other citizen (Voting facilities can be installed on military bases and the Pentagon.)
A system similar to the military’s could be worked out for nursing homes and hospitals for people who are immobile. But identity and citizenship must be verified and enforced, and using only the above secure paper ballots. Chain of custody protocols to be worked out to prevent alteration or trashing of these ballots
Out-of-country non-military American citizens must either (i) return home to vote, or (ii) U.S. embassies can have the above system in place, allowing US citizens to go to their embassy to vote in person - and provide ID. If they can’t or won’t go home or to an embassy in person, they don’t vote. Period. No exceptions.
One Person, One Vote. Databases and voter rolls must be maintained, cleaned up and updated continuously so that only qualified voters cast one vote and one vote only. Multiple votes from individuals, votes from dead people, votes from non-citizens have occurred too often. These must not be allowed.
This system might take 2-4 full days to count all the votes. So what? I’d rather have an accurate and honest tally of votes in a couple of extra days than a fraudulent result more quickly.
Look at how long it takes now to count all votes; some states and precincts are still counting votes 3 weeks after election day. It's a clown show.
The U.S. must have one standard election system in all precincts and states, or we will never have clean, accurate elections without fraud. Look at the confusions and conflicts occurring in various states because of so many different systems.
This isn’t a states’ rights issue, because each state’s presidential, congressional and even gubernatorial elections impact the entire nation. What happens in one state affects all of America, so this is a national issue.
Presidents and Congress are national offices that dictate what occurs in the entire nation as well as in separate states.
Governors have enormous influence and impact on the nation as a whole - look at how governors took dictatorial control of the U.S. in 2020 and 2021, running the nation like a bunch of private fiefdoms.
Therefore, ONE standard election system as described in this article is needed.
An amendment to the Constitution is likely needed to standardize our elections system for all precincts and states. Each state and precinct would continue to conduct voting, but all would use the standard system. Such an amendment would be very simple, only designed to make the above system a national standard used for all elections at all levels, and not infringing on any other state rights.
The Electoral College would remain for presidential elections.
The election system described here is simple, highly effective and accurate, and reduces the potential for fraud to near zero.
There are only two reasons such a system won’t be adopted and standard for all precincts and states:
Politicians want to allow elections fraud and oppose any such system.
Too few Americans care enough to demand an election system that is accurate and free from fraud.
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© 2024 Keihatsu
46315 Stratton Terr, Suite 304, Sterling, VA 20165
12:38 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:
Dear Global Members & Readers;
12.10.2020 - I Posted the thoughts about the POTUS Election from a friend
from another country.
Here's something today w/ Appreciation/Thanks to KEIHATSU.
U.S. Elections Are Clown Shows
Tue, Nov 26 at 12:23 PM
KEIHATSU: The Japanese concept meaning enlightenment, knowledge, truth, awareness, understanding and education.
U.S. Elections Are Clown Shows
A Secure, Effective Election System Is Presented
NOV 26
Elections fraud to one degree or another has existed in the United States for well over a century. But fraud has become rampant and entrenched in U.S. elections more recently, over the past 20 years or so.
As an American, I’m ashamed to say our nation is a laughingstock and corrupt banana republic when it comes to elections. Our election system is a pathetic clown show, with fraud as blatant and glaring as the sun.
Voting fraud has reached the point where no U.S. election result can be fully trusted. Government corruption is rampant and out of control, and elections fraud is an extension of that corruption.
There is no rational and justifiable reason for such fraud to continue. The U.S. is a powerful nation with advanced technology, science and engineering and many millions of extremely intelligent people with integrity. It’s absurd that our elections are so filled with fraud, ‘glitches,’ incompetence and confusions.
There is only one reason for such a clown show to exist and continue - too many politicians and government officials want to commit elections fraud. No other conclusion is possible given the sorry state of U.S. elections.
A simple, effective, fraud-free and nearly foolproof system for elections is presented in this article. The only reason why this system would not be implemented is a lack of will by the majority of Americans to demand clean, accurate elections - enough will and insistence to overcome the intention of politicians/government officials to allow elections fraud.
There is a maxim of human group dynamics that is nearly as true as any law of physics: IF FRAUD CAN BE DONE, FRAUD WILL BE DONE BY A MINORITY PERCENTAGE OF PEOPLE.
Unfortunately, that minority percentage includes U.S. politicians and government officials.
Four Methods of Elections Fraud
1. Computer Voting Machines
Computer voting machines have the potential for unlimited fraud - and made worse when connected to the internet (most computer voting machines are internet-compatible, regardless of false assurances to the contrary by machine manufacturers and election officials). These machines can be programmed to add, alter or delete votes, and therein lies the problem. And, it can be impossible to verify these votes or conduct accurate investigations/verifications later.
As just one of many examples: On Jan. 19, 2024 in federal court in Atlanta, Prof. J. Alex Halderman hacked a Dominion voting machine to change the vote tabulation. He did this right in front of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg, using only a pen to change the totals.
Prof. Halderman wrote a detailed report on voting machine weaknesses in July 2021. Most of his warnings and recommendations have been ignored.
2. Ballot boxes
Ballot boxes are legal in 39 states. To me, allowing ballot boxes is pure insanity. There is no way to verify the identity of voters nor the chain of custody from ballot box votes. There is no way to determine if ballot box votes are replaced or trashed. The potential for fraud is high using ballot boxes for these reasons.
3. Mail-In Voting
Mail-in and early voting are very popular. Unfortunately, mail-in voting suffers from the same fraud potentials as ballot boxes - it is impossible to verify these votes are valid when no proper chain of custody protocols are followed. Election boards have no way to determine who actually filled out the vote, if the person is a citizen or not, if the person is alive or dead, if the vote was contaminated in some way between the home and precinct, etc.
(State and precinct voter roles are poorly maintained by most states, and all attempts to clean them result in a flood of lawsuits that usually rule against the clean-up.)
The final report from the bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform chaired by Pres. Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker stated “Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud” and “Vote buying schemes are far more difficult to detect when citizens vote by mail.”
4. Not Requiring Voter ID
In this last election (Nov 5, 2024), 15 states did NOT require voters to verify their identity or citizenship: California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and Nevada. (All these states except for Nevada are controlled by Democrats.)
California even passed a law BANNING requiring voter ID!
To any rational person with integrity, requiring ID to vote is as common-sense and essential as breathing. Not requiring verification of citizenship and identity is irrefutable proof that non-citizens and dead people are allowed to vote in those states - illegally of course.
ID is required to travel, to open bank accounts, cash checks, to drive and so on. So what is the rationale not to require ID for such an enormously important activity as voting? There is only one conclusion possible: to allow non-citizens and dead people to vote, illegally.
Most of the 15 states above have publicly stated they want to give all non-citizens (legal and illegal) the right to vote. By not requiring voter ID, they have allowed non-citizens to vote - illegally and in blatant disregard of the law.
A Fraud-Free, Accurate and Secure Election System
The US must ban all computer voting machines, mail-in voting and ballot boxes - for the reasons stated above.
Only citizens can vote. And they must be alive. This is already law in America, but these laws have been ignored and dismissed by the 15 states listed above, and possibly other states as well.
All voting is to be done with paper ballots only. Paper ballots must have anti-counterfeiting and security measures: special paper, barcodes, serial numbers, watermarks.
Read-only optical scanners for the above paper ballots are the only machines to be allowed, as these can’t be programmed to add, alter or delete votes. Hand counting to verify. Paper ballots make it possible to conduct accurate investigations and recounts if needed.
In-person voting only, and only on election day. (Or even designating 2 consecutive election days if needed to make this system more workable.) All voters must present valid photo ID (driver’s license, passport or state-issued photo ID). Any citizen can get a valid ID from their state if they don’t have a driver’s license or passport. No ID = No Vote.
The military already has a workable system in place for their people abroad, and that can remain as is. But proof of citizenship and identity must carried out even for military personnel. And all military personnel in the U.S. on election day must vote in person as every other citizen (Voting facilities can be installed on military bases and the Pentagon.)
A system similar to the military’s could be worked out for nursing homes and hospitals for people who are immobile. But identity and citizenship must be verified and enforced, and using only the above secure paper ballots. Chain of custody protocols to be worked out to prevent alteration or trashing of these ballots
Out-of-country non-military American citizens must either (i) return home to vote, or (ii) U.S. embassies can have the above system in place, allowing US citizens to go to their embassy to vote in person - and provide ID. If they can’t or won’t go home or to an embassy in person, they don’t vote. Period. No exceptions.
One Person, One Vote. Databases and voter rolls must be maintained, cleaned up and updated continuously so that only qualified voters cast one vote and one vote only. Multiple votes from individuals, votes from dead people, votes from non-citizens have occurred too often. These must not be allowed.
This system might take 2-4 full days to count all the votes. So what? I’d rather have an accurate and honest tally of votes in a couple of extra days than a fraudulent result more quickly.
Look at how long it takes now to count all votes; some states and precincts are still counting votes 3 weeks after election day. It's a clown show.
The U.S. must have one standard election system in all precincts and states, or we will never have clean, accurate elections without fraud. Look at the confusions and conflicts occurring in various states because of so many different systems.
This isn’t a states’ rights issue, because each state’s presidential, congressional and even gubernatorial elections impact the entire nation. What happens in one state affects all of America, so this is a national issue.
Presidents and Congress are national offices that dictate what occurs in the entire nation as well as in separate states.
Governors have enormous influence and impact on the nation as a whole - look at how governors took dictatorial control of the U.S. in 2020 and 2021, running the nation like a bunch of private fiefdoms.
Therefore, ONE standard election system as described in this article is needed.
An amendment to the Constitution is likely needed to standardize our elections system for all precincts and states. Each state and precinct would continue to conduct voting, but all would use the standard system. Such an amendment would be very simple, only designed to make the above system a national standard used for all elections at all levels, and not infringing on any other state rights.
The Electoral College would remain for presidential elections.
The election system described here is simple, highly effective and accurate, and reduces the potential for fraud to near zero.
There are only two reasons such a system won’t be adopted and standard for all precincts and states:
Politicians want to allow elections fraud and oppose any such system.
Too few Americans care enough to demand an election system that is accurate and free from fraud.
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© 2024 Keihatsu
46315 Stratton Terr, Suite 304, Sterling, VA 20165