Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

JFK Assassination
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Post by dankbaar »



How does James Files know that Kennedy's head snapped forward if you can't see that with the naked eye and if he didn't aim for Kennedy's right eye?

You see, the warden of Joliet asked him once if he felt any emotion after shooting Kennedy. His repsonse was that he felt pissed that he had missed the target by 2 inches. That's why he says:

As I squeezed, take off my round, his head moved forward, I missed and I come in right along the temple. Just right behind the eye.

The point is, you don't detect the forward motion with the naked eye, whether looking through a scope or not. It just goes to quick to detect in real motion. Try it yourself. We only know from slow motion or a frame by frame analysis that Kennedy's head snaps forward first , then backwards. Even few JFK researchers know that.

There are only two possibilities for James Files to know about the forward headsnap:

1) He did a frame by frame analysis of the Zapruder film
2) He aimed for JFK's right eye as he says he did, missed the eye and came in on the temple, because the head snapped forward. In other words: He knows the head snapped forward, not because of seeing that, but because he knows he aimed for the right eye.

Which possibility do you find more likely?

1 or 2?

Brian White
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Post by Brian White »

Practically speaking, he was killed instantly,
but when he arrived at the ER, he still had
a faint pulse, and occasional respirations.
Since he was President of the United States,
so-called "heroic" efforts were made to save
him. Even in a lower profile case, there would
probably have been some life saving effort made,
because it's good training!
(I think Parkland is a teaching hospital).
No group of doctors was just going to stand there
and let him expire without making all efforts do
save him!
Ricky Clow
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Post by Ricky Clow »

Is it just me or does anyone else think that the autopsy pictures are fake?
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ThomZajac »

Well of course he was dead in Dealey Plaza. But his heart was still beating for a few minutes and Catholics are not allowed to die before given last rites, so everyone did what they were supposed to do.It's been obvious for 46 years, hasn't it?
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Bruce, I am interested in your findings on what happened to the fruit ect., in your Experimental Ballistics Test that I heard were incredible. When will you develop that publicly.

In my opinion from the shooting I have done in the past the 22 caliber small grain bullets at high velosity are explosive on contact, and do not at all act like a larger grain bullet.

I would not think a mercury round would even be nessecary to accomplish the perfect head shot.

I have used 45 grain hollow points in .222 caliber that simply dessimates a target like a ground

I shot a .220 swift that with a small grain bullet a puff of wind or a weed would explode it.

25/06, .270, ect punch a hole then leave an larger exit wound depending on the bullet used.

Is your fireball a .222?Y

Yep JFK was instantly dead in my opinion. Mission accomplished, and on to getting the body out
of Dallas and the coverup.

In less than an hour the new order was in control issuing new directives.

All that was left to do was get rid of the patsy.

I am having a real problem with the throat shot from the front.

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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Lofty »

I have stated this in another post, but i have to concur with Mr Brychek that the wounds in Kennedy's throat were caused by fragments from the mercury loaded frangible bullets fired by J Files.

Similar wounds on Kennedys face were filled in with wax during the embalming process.

I also believe that Kennedy was killed instantly.

No human could withstand a head trauma like that, and have any semblance of life left in them,
apart maybe from some involuntary spasms, caused by the sudden violent impact and trauma
to the brain.
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Bob »

Lofty wrote:

I have stated this in another post, but i have to concur with Mr Brychek, that the wounds in Kennedys throat were caused by fragments from the mercury loaded frangible bullets fired by J Files.

Similar wounds on Kennedys face were filled in with wax during the embalming process.

I also believe that Kennedy was killed instantly.

No human could withstand a head trauma like that, and have any semblance of life left in them, apart maybe from some involuntary spasms, caused by the sudden violent impact and trauma to the brain.

Excellent post Lofty...and not just because I agree with you. The wounds that you describe in JFK's face definitely connect to the neck wound (mercury shrapnel from the head wound). Now in terms of the brain trauma, I can say based on my situation with my severe auto accident a couple years back that fractured my skull ear to ear, broke my neck and caused severe damage to my back, that the head injury gave me the spasm symptoms that you describe. The accident caused enough brain trauma to put me in a coma for several days and also had me having spasms like you pointed out. I don't remember any of that of course, but that is what I have been told by my family. Plus, because of my back injuries, I am VERY sensitive to any touching to my back because of the neuroligical damage, and when touched in the back region, I do EXACTLY what JFK did after the road sign in the Zapruder film. I raise my arms up and clinch my fists. JFK had a severe back problem BEFORE the assassination and was wearing a back brace to help make him more comfortable. Bottom line, I think the first shot was the back wound the Gerald Ford moved up for the magic bullet theory. Thom, in terms of why no doctor at Parkland did not see that wound, I'm not sure. Maybe because of the massive head wound and the supposed neck wound. It was a zoo in that room as you know, with Jackie, the secret service and other LOTS of doctors there. I do think the delay in the announcement of death was more of a religious rite than anything else, as in the last rites of the Roman Catholic church.
tom jeffers
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by tom jeffers »

i am not an expert in many thngs but i am an expert in spinal chord injuries. i got mine in 1990 and have commented on this subject several times. jfk when shot in the back spine at approximately the c-5 to c-6 level reacted exactly like he did. a spinal injury at that level would render your triceps as useless so his arms bent at the elboes is exactly what you would see. he would be able to have shoulder movement in a backward rolling motion which is exactly what you see. he would lose his ability to extend his fingers which is exactly what you see. if any of you personally know a quadroplegic, you will recognize the fact that his hand is naturally in a fist because he cannot extend his fingers. now the WC wants you to believe that that wound was higher which would be in the c-1 to c-2 area and that would be where he would have to have been hit for the wound to exit his neck where they say is an exit wound. if that happened then jfk would have lost all ability to move his shoulders or arms and they would just go limp at his side. it would be like cutting a power cord on any electric device, it automatically quits working, there is no electric impulses getting through. the secret service controlled everything that went on at bethesda. they controlled what the doctors did and they limited them in examining jfk thoroughly expecially when it was discovered that he was beyond hope. I do believe i remember reading one doctors notes that said that there was some reddening in the front chest area and thought there might be a bullet there that had not exited however they were not allowed to probe. if jfk was hit in the throat there would have been an exit wound in the back of the neck. There is not enough bone to just stop a bullet in my opinion. there would have been more that just a few fragments in the xrays and the doctors would have spotted it immediately.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by Dealey Joe »

Wonder what kind of marksman Nicolletti was?

Seems like I recall Jimmy Files remarked in one of his videos that he warned Nicolletti
about shooting from above at a moving target on a down hill grade?
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Re: Jimmy Files Shot To JFK'S Head Killed JFK Instantly:

Post by ChristophMessner »

Why did Rosselli and Files risk serving two masters at all?
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