Was the Followup Car Blocking a Shot at Z313?

JFK Assassination
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Re: Was the Followup Car Blocking a Shot at Z313?

Post by RobertP »

Dealey Joe wrote:Please notice the low and the right angle of the shot that struck the windshield frame, badly damaged the visor bracket, damaged the Rear view mirror and I believe cracked the windshield and quite possibly sent shrapnel on that caused damage to James Tague, I am also beginning to believe this may well be the shot from the rear that went through JFK's skull?That's certainly a lot of tasks for one bullet.
Dealey Joe
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Re: Was the Followup Car Blocking a Shot at Z313?

Post by Dealey Joe »

yes but it could sure happen, lots of lead and jackets flying around?You know what 399 did?Come to think of it the bullets had to go somewhere?
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Re: Was the Followup Car Blocking a Shot at Z313?

Post by JDThomas »

The quote I was looking for I had actually posted previously on the forum (in: Kroth explanation of Who dun it...), but I've lost the original reference for it which I cannot now find:Hemming:Was I surprised the other day. I had never noticed that Stanley White [w/ the black kid] was indeed shooting through an improvised "silencer/chicken-box"; surprised that Oliver had followed my insistence on either a Sionics or Maxim type silencer, or the "chicken-box]I asked Oliver to provide all of the camera-toting "extras" viewing the motorcade be supplied with workable cameras, and loaded with new film -- so that we might review same later, and maybe incorporate the footage into the movie. He did it.I also asked Oliver: That since the exterior shots of Stanley and the black kid would be filmed at a time when the dozen or so motorcade cycles weren't to be filmed -- could we please have both a scoped rifle & a "iron-sights" rifle [mounted with cameras] used during the next motorcade cycle. I told him that it would be quite interesting to see [as I suspected] that any 2nd floor DalTex window shooter would have had NO SHOT at JFK after the turn in front of the TSBD.When he inquired as to my theory, I responded that: With the "J/Canoe" now going downhill, the Secret Service "outriders" would have totally blocked any rear-view of JFK !!He responded: "..Well...I don't know if Garrison suspected this..??!! I interrupted stating that: IT is for us Oliver, IT is for us....don't use it in the movie if you talk to Garrison tomorrow -- and he gives you a blank stare....leave it out...but IT is for us...!!" He did it, but left it out of the movie. I was correct, the window shooters were completely blocked by the SS "Outriders" 100% !! Somebody tell "THAT" to the fools in Dallas next week. Give'm a cardiac, won't you ??!! But don't tell a certain Lady, cause she opted to ignore THAT when I began assisting her over 5 years ago !!So this footage should still exist!
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