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Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:09 pm
by Bob
i am in the process of reading family of secrets by russ baker. its a great read in understanding the dynasty built by the bush's. he concludes that william w bush was brought into the agenc for only a few months during this critical time period to have plausible deniability for george hw bush in case any memo's surgaced later with his name on the. this was a tactic frequently used by the cia. the other bush was called up to work for them a few months during the summer and fall of 1963 and he had no actual authority but was a night watchman that would never had been briefed on any security matters. gearge hw bush clearly had political ambitions at an early age and was pushed by daddy prescot. interestin is that big georgie always tried to prove to his dad that he could wear the big hat and his relationship with little gearge was just the same. why didn't they just hire dr ruth to straighten out their ego deficiencies?- Tom JeffersAnybody else read this yet?

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:15 pm
by Bob
I've heard from a couple of you that you got this book. Here are some interesting things about this book...How did Bush happen? How did George W. Bush, of all people, rise to the most powerful position in the world? This simple question sparked a five-year investigative odyssey by Russ Baker. What he found will force us to rethink virtually everything we thought we knew about the Bush family and its role in shaping recent American history.In FAMILY OF SECRETS, Baker reveals that Bush, the people around him, and his policies are but an extreme, very public manifestation of what his family and its circle have always been about: an interlocking web of covert and overt machinations on behalf of a small cluster of elites-social, financial, industrial, military, intelligence-that enabled the Bush dynasty and propelled George W. Bush to the top.Russ Baker’s deep background profile of the Bushes reveals a family with ongoing connections to the shadow world of intelligence, utilizing the dark arts of the trade to achieve their positions at the pinnacle of America’s political elite. Baker lays bare the stealth substructure that created the Bush dynasty, powered its rise, and brought America to its current state of crisis. Given the disastrous results of the last eight years, the story Baker has uncovered is must reading today-because the forces that shaped the Bush dynasty remain powerful and capable of exerting enormous influence on the fate of the country and the worldFAMILY OF SECRETS reads like a spy thriller. At the center stands George W.’s father, George H.W. “Poppy” Bush, whose public persona has always been that of a bland, patrician “genial bumbler.” In chapter after chapter, Baker unveils another “Poppy,” this one a ruthless master of elaborate covert operations and perception-management campaigns. Although the Bushes went to great lengths to create the notion of a substantial divide between father and son, the truth is that W. was essentially a bumptious and indiscreet version of his father.Baker’s meticulously researched investigative history includes these revelations:George H.W. “Poppy” Bush’s role in covert operations that profoundly affected America’s history long before he became CIA Director or President. Personal secrets that George W. Bush and his handlers worked for decades to suppress. The untold story behind George W. Bush’s religious “awakening.” Why Bush Sr. cannot recall where he was the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated. The little-known Russian émigré who was linked to Bush Sr., the CIA, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the Kennedy assassination and who met an untimely demise. The most authoritative case ever presented that George W. Bush walked away from his US military obligations, an act with potentially serious legal consequences and no statute of limitations. How the CIA monitors the White House and its occupants. The story of the Bush family operative who graduated from babysitting an adult W. to fronting for a vast Saudi money pipeline into Texas. The hidden connections between the investment funds of America’s most prestigious universities and covert intelligence operations connected to Bush family businesses. Baker systematically follows previously invisible threads that reveal Watergate to be a bloodless coup in three parts: creating the crime, implicating Nixon, and then ensuring that an aggressive effort would be mounted to use the ‘facts’ of the case to force him from office. Baker provides gripping new information about how Poppy Bush, Bob Woodward and White House counsel John Dean were connected to this still-mysterious American epic.Baker’s research led him into even deeper waters. While reporting on Bush Sr.’s activities in the early 60’s, Baker discovered curious inconsistencies in Poppy’s account of his activities on the day John F. Kennedy was shot. “At 1:45 pm on November 22,” Baker reports, Bush Sr. “called the FBI to identify James Parrott as a possible suspect in the president’s murder, and to mention that he, George H.W. Bush, happened to be in Tyler, Texas.” As Poppy was making the call, Baker writes, Poppy’s own assistant was visiting Mr. Parrott at home. Baker goes on to describe what appears to be a virtuoso performance on Bush Sr.’s part at the time, creating a misleading paper trail regarding his own whereabouts that day while protecting his business interests and political future.But Bush Sr.’s biggest operation was engineering his son’s rise to the presidency. Baker’s reporting presents Bush Jr. as an unruly scion who nevertheless relied heavily on his father’s extensive contacts and CIA expertise to erase all records of his misdoings and build a resume befitting a future president. Digging deep into Bush Jr.’s still-murky National Guard service record, Baker provides the most thorough account yet of what really happened. He also documents how W’s long track record as a womanizer and party animal was sanitized via a carefully calculated born-again Christian conversion that few dared question. Baker interviews the man who wrote the memos to the Bush family on how to gain the vast evangelical vote that put him in the White House.When George W. Bush decided to invade Iraq in 2003, one Texas journalist, Mickey Herskowitz, was not surprised. “He was thinking about invading Iraq in 1999,” Herskowitz told Baker. “He said to me, ‘One of the keys to being seen as a great leader is to be seen as a commander in chief… My father had all this political capital built up when he drove the Iraqis out of Kuwait, and he wasted it. If I have a chance to invade…I’m not going to waste it. I’m going to get everything passed that I want to get passed, and I’m going to have a successful presidency.’”Combining gripping stories, explosive revelations and trenchant analysis, Family of Secrets is nothing less than a secret history of the elites that have shaped American politics over the last century.Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter with a track record for making sense of complex and little understood matters. He has written for the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, the Nation, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Village Voice and Esquire. He has also served as a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. Baker received a 2005 Deadline Club award for his exclusive reporting on George W. Bush’s military record. He is the founder of WhoWhatWhy/the Real News Project, a nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organization, operating at'm not getting any proceeds from this book. But it is one of the best political books I ever read.

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:25 pm
by ChristophMessner
Pamela Ray & Jimmy Files' books "Interview with History" and "To Kill a Country" are available again! ... okid=40995 Also I'm excited to see what their newest book-project "Darkest Covert Operation" will unveil, which will come out soon. "KIHEI, Hawaii – When the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is brought up – even today, over 40 years later – it still has the power to evoke incredible emotion. Most people who were alive on that day still remember exactly where they were when they heard the news, and Lee Harvey Oswald has become a household name, many still convinced he was to blame despite various conspiracy theories which indicate otherwise. The name James E. Files is not a household name; most have never even heard it. But in 1994, James E. Files confessed on film that he was the gunman who fired the infamous headshot that killed JFK on Nov. 22, 1963, from behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll in DealeyPlaza. Now he is divulging even more information in the new book Interview with History: The JFK Assassination (published by AuthorHouse). In the book, Files and author Pamela J. Ray explore the truth behind some very basic questions still lingering decades after that fateful autumn day: Why was President Kennedy killed? Who benefited? And who had the power to cover it all up? Interview with History features Ray's interviews with Files, conducted meticulously over the years through highly-monitored letters and transcribed phone calls from Statesville prison in Joliet, Ill., where Files is a prisoner for what he claims is an act of self-defense against an attempt on his life by the government. A former CIA and mob hit man, Files actually considers the JFK assassination one of the least important "jobs" he was asked to do in his lifetime, and he hopes that this book will forever put to rest the subject of his involvement. "Facing incredible odds, danger and huge debt, it has been a labor of love, sacrifice and hardship to get this book to the people," Ray writes. "Although over 2500 books have been written about the assassination, Interview with History: The JFK Assassination is the only authorized published work based on the confession of the grassy knoll shooter, James E. Files." Interview with History also delves into other "related, shadowy, underworld subjects where it is hard to tell where organized crime stops and the CIA (and other U.S. government agencies) begin," all based upon Files' years of experience in the shadows. There is a section called "A Hit on the Mob – Operation Family Secrets," and another called "Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy Brothers," which reveals what Files really thinks happened to the Hollywood starlet. Yet another looks at the dark side of the Vatican and how it ties into the JFK assassination. "The book includes many photos and unique captions that will undoubtedly cause a controversy 'back east,'" writes Ray. "This is a must see for researchers looking for a new road if they have been winding up on dead end streets.""

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:51 pm
by Bob
Just a note about Russ Baker, who wrote Family of Secrets. My dad will be celebrating his 83rd birthday on March 29th, but he is also going to have a very difficult surgery on Wednesday because of colon cancer. Hopefully, everything will go well, as dad's surgeon is top notch and he has operated on dad twice before. Bottom line, Russ is sending my dad a signed Family of Secrets book. How cool is that?

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:55 am
by Pasquale DiFabrizio
Bob wrote:Just a note about Russ Baker, who wrote Family of Secrets. My dad will be celebrating his 83rd birthday on March 29th, but he is also going to have a very difficult surgery on Wednesday because of colon cancer. Hopefully, everything will go well, as dad's surgeon is top notch and he has operated on dad twice before. Bottom line, Russ is sending my dad a signed Family of Secrets book. How cool is that? That's WAY cool!Hey, I wish your dad all the best!

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:53 am
by ChristophMessner
That's so cool that it almost should be kept as secret in the family ... I cross my finger for your Dad, Bob. Maybe some herbs can support the healing process. Also Cancer is mostly a soul problem. If the soul is happy then the heart continues to beat no matter how many cancer cells there are. Chris

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:52 pm
by Bob
ChristophMessner wrote:That's so cool that it almost should be kept as secret in the family ... I cross my finger for your Dad, Bob. Maybe some herbs can support the healing process. Also Cancer is mostly a soul problem. If the soul is happy then the heart continues to beat no matter how many cancer cells there are. ChrisYou know Chris, I almost didn't post that information. But you know what, it was such a great story, plus it says a lot about the author. I also appreciate your insight about how to help battle this insidious disease.

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:26 pm
by ChristophMessner
I cross my fingers for your Dad today. Read this:

Re: Please get this book!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:34 pm
by Bob
Thank all of you for the kind thoughts and words about dad. I have been away from the board the last few days because of my dad's surgery. Dad went through a very long surgery on Wednesday, where the doctor removed almost all of his colon due to cancer. Dad seemed okay a couple of hours after surgery, but then later went into respiratory failure. Luckily, the staff revived him and had him on a ventilator almost all day yesterday. Now dad is just on an oxygen machine, and hopefully he can come off of that today. WE saw the doctor that did the surgery yesterday, and he told me that dad was a "tough old goat". I also contacted Wim and let him know, as I guess there have been some "fireworks" here on the forum since I was away. I will be heading to the hospital again soon, so let's all please try to respect each others opinions.