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Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:45 am
by Davyjones
Joe has set the picture out real well.As we all get older and die off then we take our outrage with us to the grave.This is understood and is the basis of the policy to change the perspective that has always been in the majority in the past,that Oswald ,alone unaided,did not shoot JFK.What is being done is the truth is ignored and prevented from being exposed to the American people along with regular doses of indoctrination that the WC was correct,despite all the evidence to the contrary.Eventually the majority opinion will be that Oswald alone ,unaided, did it and the conspiracy supporters have lost. At that point it will be considered a subject that gets no publicity of any kind and even worse those that still clammer for vindication and justice will be the subject of open retribution. That cannot happen until the WC supporters are in the majority,but its getting closer every year.There is no cohesive argument supported by all the CT community.There is splintering and personal animosity. We have no real financial muscle or access to mainstream media. Frankly too many people are making claims that although they may well be essentially true are not corroborated and depend on the words "believe me" rather than evidence that would satisfy a court of law.Also I am sure we either have too many cranks and troublemakers calling themselves CTers who are intent on divide and conquer.I was in my previous post here optimistic about the future of JFK assassination research and after the 50th ended in "whitewash " I see that event as a failure for the truth.Its not looking good folks and we are all to blame.I intend to fight the good fight,keep flexible in my thinking and seek out any fresh evidence that may unlock a means of getting back to a better place.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 12:27 pm
by Dealey Joe
Great Post Davie, you said it best.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 1:56 am
by Dealey Joe
As for me, I am tired of talking about the hole in the windshield and the throat, where's the brain? ect.Hos can we get past this to the most important aspects or the Day that destroyed The United States of America.WE no longer have a country nor does the people have input to those who govern us. We work for them, they do not work for us.Watching the Debates is almost comical, especially the Democrats. I, like Jimmy Files is getting up in age, I was 22 when JFK was murdered, he was the first and last person I have voted for in the Presidential elections. It took me a long time to understand what had happened. I think most Americans still don't realize what it meant. We wanted so much for the killer to be a lone nut.How do we get across to Americans what really happened on 11/22/1963.I watch the facebook forums and it is easy to see they don't have a clue, and as any forum you get sucked into conversations that immediately get misdirected, Such as JFK was a womanizer and other thing, one said he was held hostage by knowledge that LBJ and Hoover had and problems in his administration, on and on.How do we re direct our energy to what is really important, can we get our country back?So easy yet so hard, I was always told to put the train back on the track where it went off? sounded simple?Very few understand the Constitution, I mean the original one. Someone help me here to understand where to turn?

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:28 pm
by Ed Teach
As an old Chinese saying win a war one must be absolutely unscrupulous.I am afraid that is the only way to get our country back sir...fat chance we have.

Re: JFK Forum Annual World Meeting:

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:40 pm
Count me in just let me know when and where I'll be there!!!Hey, maybe we can get Jack Lawrence to come??? He was in Dealey plaza that day!!!I always thought if you could have got all the great researchers together to compare notes it would help put together more of the pieces of the pie that are still missing. For instance, Jim Marrs comparing his notes with Robert Armstrong. Jim knew the imposter Oswald's mother, Armstrong didn't and so on.