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Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 9:39 pm
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
4:39 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Forum Members and Readers:

China is aiming for an Industry-Changing ban on fossil fuel cars in less than 20 years.

European countries, including France and the UK, are aiming for the year 2040 for their fossil
fuels to kick in.

People that is only 20+ years away ! Fossil fuel industries, including coal, gasoline, oil,
petroleum products, etc., will be devastated by this, and so would be the the wealth and
power structure would also be devastated.

A reshuffling of the value and wealth of natural resources, and the controlling interests and
powers could/would massively be re-shuffled.

Would warfare, wars and weaponry still remain the controlling aspect of global control ?

Or would it even become more controlling, extensive, pervasive, and villainous using Weaponized
Diseases, Pandemics, Planned-Demics, Viruses, etc.

China aims for an industry-changing ban on fossil fuel cars.
Engadget Jon Fingas, Engadget 1 hour 52 minutes ago

It's not just European countries planning long-term bans on fossil fuel cars.

China's vice minister of industry and IT, Xin Guobin, has revealed that the country's government
is developing a timetable for a ban on sales of fossil fuel vehicles. The official hasn't given a rough estimate for when a ban would kick in, but France and the UK are both aiming for 2040.

It won't be surprising if China aims for a similar time frame, and it's already introducing a cap-and
-trade program that forces companies to buy credits from rivals if their fuel economy and emissions don't fall within certain limits.

The move is as much about the economy as the environment.

China is clearly grappling with severe air pollution, and taking gas-powered cars off the road
could help when combined with a reduced dependence on coal power.

However, a ban on those sales would also help the Chinese car market, which is quickly building
a reputation for EVs through brands like Geely (which owns Volvo) and BYD. It would encourage
foreign companies to collaborate with the Chinese, too, such as Honda's just-announced plans to
release a China-specific EV in 2018.

And crucially, banning sales of fossil fuel cars will cut oil imports, reducing China's dependence on other countries.Whatever the motivations, the eventual ban is likely to have a tremendous effect on the automotive industry.

Although China's ratio of car ownership is relatively low (about 1 in 5 people), the sheer number of people in the country makes it the largest car market on Earth, with about 290 million vehicles on
the road as of 2016. Automakers may have little choice but to switch to EVs if they want to operate
in China and compete with the world's biggest brands. In other words, it likely won't matter what politicians elsewhere believe about the environment -- China's shift could dictate a switch to EVs
around the world.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?


Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:28 am
by Bruce P. Brychek
10:28 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Forum Members and Readers:

09.10.2017 - I originally Posted this important Headline and Supporting Material.

The major thrust of this global ban on fossil fuels trend already had me thinking about a Global
Reset to The Power/Wealth Structure - which is overall well ingrained and inter-connected w/ all
Inter-Connected Aspects of The Military Industrial Corporations.

My analysis and thinking had all been Pre-Coronavirus Planned-demic and 2020 Presidential
Processes such as "We the People..." have/and are thus far continuing to experience w/ drastic
consequence continuing and stemming from both Major Crises.

War, warfare, and the "...looming threat of war..." has always been the Major Controlling Power
of the Have's/Connected over the Have Not's/not connected.

Through the ages societies have faced: paganism, Communism, Democracy, Dictatorship's, Fascism, Lenin's Teaching's, Mao's Teachings, Martial Law, Marxism, Monarchies, Nazism, Socialism, Terrorism, etc., (feel free to add your own).

Could the New Global God of Science, brought to All the People, and "We the People..." through the
Gospel(s) of Coronavirus (Oh - you have heard the breaking news that at least 2 - 7 New Forms of
Coronavirus are on the way) be The Best Total Way To Control The Population, while Population
Control is discretely administered. (those alleged death numbers don't seem to make sense).

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material
completely yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions
and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies,
thoughts, or writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation
of JFK Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?