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Politics today in the U.S.

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:57 pm
by Bob
What a quagmire we have today in the U.S. today in politics. We have seen Dumbya Bu$h, Dick Cheney and Alberto Gonzales run roughshod over the Congress and the Constitution. And what has the Democratic Congress done? Nothing. It is high time that impeachment hearings are held right now!!! Speaker Nancy Pelosi says impeachment is OFF the table. Bullshit! Get it ON the table. What does it take to move on with impeachment? Using lies to start a war in Iraq (also over 3,600 American troops dead) so one can get rich off the war? Using illegal wiretaps? Having complicity in the events of 9/11? Using torture and taking away Habeas Corpus? Lying to Congress and the FBI? Outing a CIA agent named Valerie Plame? What the HELL does it take to get the Democratic Congress to grow a spine? I have emailed both Pelosi and Harry Reid regarding this, plus my local Senators and Congressman. All you Americans in this forum should think about doing the same thing. I hate living in a corrupt wasteland of politics, when the U.S. USED to be a beacon of light for the rest of the world. Also, remember that 11/22/1963 helped bring this culture on.


Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:40 am
by R Croxford

Iraqi prime minister says U.S. troops can go 'anytime .....

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:05 am
by Pennyworth
Iraqi prime minister says U.S. troops can go 'anytime they want'

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki shrugged off U.S. doubts of his government's military and political progress Saturday, saying Iraqi forces are capable and American troops can leave "anytime they want."

One of his top aides, meanwhile, accused the United States of embarrassing the Iraqi government by violating human rights and treating his country like an "experiment in a U.S. lab."

Al-Maliki sought to display confidence at a time when pressure is mounting in Congress for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. forces. On Thursday, the House passed a measure calling for the United States to withdraw its troops by spring, hours after the White House reported mixed progress by the Iraqi government toward meeting 18 benchmarks.

During a news conference, al-Maliki shrugged off the progress report, saying that difficulty in enacting the reforms was "natural" given Iraq's turmoil.

"We are not talking about a government in a stable political environment, but one in the shadow of huge challenges," al-Maliki said. "So when we talk about the presence of some negative points in the political process, that's fairly natural."

Al-Maliki said his government needs "time and effort" to enact the political reforms that Washington seeks -- "particularly since the political process is facing security, economic and services pressures, as well as regional and international interference."

But he said that if necessary, Iraqi police and soldiers could fill the void left by the departure of coalition forces.

"We say in full confidence that we are able, God willing, to take the responsibility completely in running the security file if the international forces withdraw at anytime they want," he said.

One of al-Maliki's close advisers, Shiite lawmaker Hassan al-Suneid, bristled over the American pressure, telling The Associated Press that "the situation looks as if it is an experiment in an American laboratory [judging] whether we succeed or fail."

He sharply criticized the U.S. military, saying it was committing human rights violations and embarrassing the Iraqi government through such tactics as building a wall around Baghdad's Sunni neighborhood of Azamiyah and launching repeated raids on suspected Shiite militiamen in the capital's slum of Sadr City.

He also criticized U.S. overtures to Sunni groups in Anbar and Diyala provinces, encouraging former insurgents to join the fight against al Qaeda in Iraq. "These are gangs of killers," he said.

In addition, he said that al-Maliki has problems with the top U.S. commander, Gen. David Petraeus, who he said works along a "purely American vision."

"There are disagreements that the strategy that Petraeus is following might succeed in confronting al Qaeda in the early period but it will leave Iraq an armed nation, an armed society and militias," al-Suneid said.

Al-Suneid's comments were a rare show of frustration toward the Americans from within al-Maliki's inner circle as the prime minister struggles to overcome deep divisions among Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish members of his coalition and enact the U.S.-drawn list of benchmarks.

But the U.S. focus on the benchmarks has rankled the deep sense of Iraqi pride, even among those who share the goals set forth by the Americans.

U.S. forces have been waging intensified security crackdowns in Baghdad and areas to the north and south for nearly a month. The goal is to bring calm to the capital while al-Maliki enacts the political reforms, intended to give Sunni Arabs a greater role in the government and political process, lessening support for the insurgency.

But the benchmarks have been blocked by divisions among Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders. In August, the parliament is taking a one-month vacation -- a shorter break than the usual two months, but still enough to anger some in Congress who say lawmakers should push through reforms while American soldiers are dying.

Two more American soldiers were killed Saturday in bombings in the Baghdad area, the U.S. military reported. One of the bombs used was an explosively formed penetrator -- high-tech devices that the U.S. military believes are smuggled from Iran. The Iranians deny the charge.

In other violence, a car bomb leveled a two-story apartment building, and a suicide bomber plowed his explosives-packed vehicle into a line of cars at a gas station. The two attacks killed at least eight people, police said.

Also Saturday, the U.S. military said it captured an alleged high-level al Qaeda in Iraq cell leader at Baghdad's international airport. The suspect, believed to have organized mortar and roadside bomb attacks in the capital and nearby area, surrendered "without a struggle," the military said in a statement.

It did not give details on the suspect or say whether he was traveling in or out of the country when seized.

The Reuters news agency said one of its Iraqi translators was shot to death in Baghdad on Wednesday along with two of his brothers, apparent victims of sectarian death squads. He was the third employee of the news agency killed in Baghdad this week.

An Iraqi reporter for The New York Times, Khalid W. Hassan, was killed by gunmen Friday as he drove to work in southern Baghdad.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:34 pm
by Bob
Thanks RC! Just remember the key people to contact are Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. We MUST keep pressuring them to do their jobs. Impeach the bastards already!!!

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:24 pm
by Rob Waters
its funny how now that there is a chance of a pull out, we see things on the news like " Al-Qaida is as strong as they were on 9/11", "Al-Qaida is sending terrorists to the US" etc, etc...

Sounds to me like they are trying to scare the people into voting someone into office that will keep the war going or at least speak out against a pull out. any thoughts?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:44 pm
by Bob
What if the American public knew about the Bu$h past in terms of treason? Things like Samuel Bu$h selling arms to the Germans in WWI, while the U.S. was engaged in the war. Things like Prescott Bu$h investing in and profiting from the Hitler war machine in WWII. What about Poppy Bu$h being involved in the JFK assassination? Also, let's bring up the bin Laden family. You know, the family that invested in Dumbya Bu$h's company...Arbusto. That family, whose son, Osama, got arms from the Reagan/Bu$h administration as he fought the Soviets in Afghanistan. By the way, at the same time, Reagan/Bu$h was selling arms to Iraq (including mustard gas) to fight Iran. You know, the same Osama that "planned" 9/11. When will people wise up about these treasonous bastards???

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 8:47 pm
by Rob Waters
Bob wrote:What if the American public knew about the Bu$h past in terms of treason? Things like Samuel Bu$h selling arms to the Germans in WWI, while the U.S. was engaged in the war. Things like Prescott Bu$h investing in and profiting from the Hitler war machine in WWII. What about Poppy Bu$h being involved in the JFK assassination? Also, let's bring up the bin Laden family. You know, the family that invested in Dumbya Bu$h's company...Arbusto. That family, whose son, Osama, got arms from the Reagan/Bu$h administration as he fought the Soviets in Afghanistan. By the way, at the same time, Reagan/Bu$h was selling arms to Iraq (including mustard gas) to fight Iran. You know, the same Osama that "planned" 9/11. When will people wise up about these treasonous bastards???

most probably wouldn't believe it. its very disturbing finding out whats behind the curtain. its like not taking the blue pill.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 5:40 pm
by Bob
Speaking of politics, probably to take away some pressure from his DUMBASS son, look who is in the news... ... -revolver/

The picture of Poppy with the revolver is priceless. He knows all about guns and assassinations. Like the one on 11/22/1963.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:31 pm
by Pennyworth
Bob wrote:Speaking of politics, probably to take away some pressure from his DUMBASS son, look who is in the news... ... volver/The picture of Poppy with the revolver is priceless. He knows all about guns and assassinations. Like the one on 11/22/1963.

It looks like he's almost ready to pull the trigger on himself! (lol! )

Re: Politics today in the U.S.

Posted: Sat May 04, 2013 5:11 am
by Bruce Patrick Brychek
05.04.2013Dear JFK Murder Solved Forum Members and Readers:07.14.2007 - Mr. Bob Fox Posted this alluring Headline and supporting material.The names have changed , but much remains the same. As always, Bob was spoton then, and today.Where are we today, where are we headed, and where will be in another five (5)years ?Comments ?Respectfully,BB.