Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

JFK Assassination
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by Bob »

kenmurray wrote:Here is a report I found called "The Many Faces Of Lee Harvey Oswald": ... 768943Very interesting link Ken. I had read or seen some of that before, but still VERY interesting. I know that Gary Mack and Jack White worked closely together during TMWKK about the Badgeman theory. It appears that both have traveled different roads since that time. Here is White's website by the way...
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Bob, thanks for his link. I wonder what Jack White's opinion is on Gary Mack now? I think Jack does make a compelling case that the Oswald arrested in Dallas may not be the real Oswald.
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Here is Marion Baker on video one of his 4 versions of his encounter with Oswald:
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

katisha wrote:Confusing's right! I just don't know what to think about Oswald. I think most people here think he was completely innocent but I've been more inclined to think he was involved, but thought he had a much more important part than he really did. That's how I read his claim to be a 'patsy': not as in 'I've been set up; I had nothing to do with it', but as in 'I've been set up; they said they'd help me get away but they let me down, and now I realise they were using me'.Anyone get the impression Baker was pressured to change his story? Or maybe he deliberately told different stories to confuse everyone (in which case he succeeded! )That close-up of the guy on the TSBD steps certainly looks like Oswald, and the shirt it's wearing looks more like Oswald's than Lovelady's red-and-white-stripes, but there's quite a resemblance in their looks. A coincidence, that there happened to be another bloke working at the depository who looked very similar to Oswald? Or clever planning on the part of the conspirators? I'm tempted to ask all you experts for background info on Lovelady, like how long he'd been working there, but I spose I should get off me arse and find out for myself!Thanks for the clip, Bob. That's another thing I should do: watch JFK. All those swarms of Oswalds all over the shop!Pardon the pun, but if you look at the "hard evidence," you have a picture showing a man who looks just like Oswald. Then he is seen one floor up about a minute and a half after the shooting, in the second floor lunch room. My conclusion is that Oswald saw the shooting start, and went to the second floor lunch room...probably realizing that despite his warnings, the assassination was being attempted anyway.In my profession, private investigator, the simple explanations usually bear much more weight than the complex ones. It's when a story starts to get complicated (like Marion Baker's many versions of the Oswald encounter) that it starts to lose steam. This argument, simplicity is truth, is often actually used by lone-nut-theorists to mock conspiracy theorists, but the exact opposite is the reality. For example, what is the simple (and most reasonable) reason for all the wounds to JFK and Conally? One bullet zig-zagging around and then just falling out of one of the wounds to be discovered in the hallway of the hospital, in almost pristine condition, and also leaving more fragments in Conally than could possibly be missing from it? OR...the simple solution...JFK and Conally were hit with MORE than one bullet. LOL It sounds silly, but this goes to show just how people just flat-out believe what they are told in the media.Take 9/11 for example. Two 100 story buildings come down in 10 fall speed...which means that the lower floors mysteriously offered NO RESISTANCE to the upper floors coming down onto them. The official story is jet fuel/plane impact. A third building (World Trade Center Building 7) that was roughly 50 stories tall comes down in 6.5 seconds HOURS LATER, and this third building wasn't even hit by a there was no jet fuel burning (as if it could burn that hot in an open fire) or plane impact. The simple solution is that those buildings certainly did NOT come down from the impact of jet planes. It's so simple, but when the mainstream media says it true, most people just eat it up.Anyway, back on point here, my message is to keep it simple. Follow your gut instinct.
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by kenmurray »

Great analysis Pasquale!!!
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by ChristophMessner »

Yes, Pasquale, you hit the nail! (Witness Euins said, there was a bald-haired shooter in the 6th floor east window, and who is bald-haired? Lovelady or Oswald? Pretty simple to say, but it get's complicated when there are more bald-haired ones in the world.)
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

ChristophMessner wrote:Yes, Pasquale, you hit the nail! (Witness Euins said, there was a bald-haired shooter in the 6th floor east window, and who is bald-haired? Lovelady or Oswald? Pretty simple to say, but it get's complicated when there are more bald-haired ones in the world.)Exactly. Unless we have proof of Lovelady's whereabouts during the shooting, he certainly would be a suspect to me. He does resemble Oswald. I've often wondered if Lovelady was one of the fake Oswald's that were popping up when the real Oswald was in Russia.
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by Bob »

Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Yes, Pasquale, you hit the nail! (Witness Euins said, there was a bald-haired shooter in the 6th floor east window, and who is bald-haired? Lovelady or Oswald? Pretty simple to say, but it get's complicated when there are more bald-haired ones in the world.)Exactly. Unless we have proof of Lovelady's whereabouts during the shooting, he certainly would be a suspect to me. He does resemble Oswald. I've often wondered if Lovelady was one of the fake Oswald's that were popping up when the real Oswald was in Russia.No doubt. The lesson in all of this...if anybody at your work place looks very similar to's probably not good.
Pasquale DiFabrizio
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by Pasquale DiFabrizio »

Bob wrote:Pasquale DiFabrizio wrote:ChristophMessner wrote:Yes, Pasquale, you hit the nail! (Witness Euins said, there was a bald-haired shooter in the 6th floor east window, and who is bald-haired? Lovelady or Oswald? Pretty simple to say, but it get's complicated when there are more bald-haired ones in the world.)Exactly. Unless we have proof of Lovelady's whereabouts during the shooting, he certainly would be a suspect to me. He does resemble Oswald. I've often wondered if Lovelady was one of the fake Oswald's that were popping up when the real Oswald was in Russia.No doubt. The lesson in all of this...if anybody at your work place looks very similar to's probably not good. HA HA HA HA!!! Exactly.So...the lesson here is that if you're an FBI informant who is also a CIA agent who has infiltrated a militant right-wing groupd bent on killing Castro and/or the President, and you have a coworker who looks a lot like you...DON'T show up to work anymore!!!!! LOL
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Re: Marion Baker And His Encounter With Oswald

Post by ThomZajac »

Words to live by.
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