JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

JFK Assassination
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Bruce Patrick Brychek
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JFK: The C.I.A., Vietnam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by Bruce Patrick Brychek »

2:29 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear Forum Members and Readers:

JFK: The C.I.A., Vietnam, And The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy,
by Col. L. Fletcher Prouty,
Whose Theories Inspired The Movie JFK,
With An Introduction By Oliver Stone, 1992, 1996, By Citadel Press Books,
which are published by Kennsington Publishing Company, New York, N.Y.

"Here is the first account of the Kennedy assassination by a top-level insider, a man who had access to the primary documents and personalities, a man whose theories inspired the controversial film JFK."

"This behind the-scenes look at how the C.I.A. has shaped post-war U.S. foreign policy is fascinating, as are Prouty's telling questions about the security arrangements in Dallas."

"A retired Colonel of the U.S. Air Force, L. Fletcher Prouty served as the Chief of Special Operations
for the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Kennedy years. He was directly in charge of the global system designed to provide military support for the clandestine activities of the C.I.A. Prouty is the author of The Secret Team: The C.I.A. and Its Allies."

Col. L. Fletcher Prouty was played by Donald Sutherland as "X" in the movie JFK.

Jimmy Files had involvement with Col. L. Fletcher Prouty through White Star Mobile Operations secretly conducted in Vietnam a Police Action" never raised to the Legal Military Status of War.

Oliver Stone visited Jimmy Files in prison, more than once, to consult with Jimmy relative to The JFK Removal.

I have copies of the contract in my possession that Oliver Stone gave to Jimmy, which Jimmy never signed. (Technically an inmate in a penitentiary can not legally sign, benefit from, etc., a contract. Nothing against Oliver Stone or his very professional crew who also filmed another crime movie using Stateville Pemoitentiary.)

Want to seriously analyze the JFK Assassination, the C.I.A., and all related matters ?

This book is a 'MUST READ" if you have not read it, and a tremendous take-off point for many more inter-related matters past, present, and future to...maybe thought patterns you never considered prior.

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely
yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or
writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK
Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?
Bruce P. Brychek
Global Moderator, Senior Member
Posts: 5065
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JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by Bruce P. Brychek »

11:19 p.m.,
Chicago, Illinois time:

Dear JFK RFK MLK Forum Members and Readers:



03.22.2006 - I originally Posted and Circulated this Headline and Supporting Material that clearly speaks for itself. It is a must read about the evolution and control of people through wars and other means, to and through Vietnam.

As "We the People..." end 2020 w/ the Coronavirus Planned-Demic, and the Presidential Election Process and Results still being argued about, in a Panoramic View I am trying to determine on a wider basis What larger patterns occurred before, during, and after Vietnam through 2020, w/ an eye going forward for "We the People..." from today.

Maybe more simply put, Where do you see "We the People..." today, and Where are "We the People..." heading, or better yet in my opinion, being led ?, (w/ your own analysis and predictions.)

As always, I strongly recommend that you first read, research, and study material completely
yourself about a Subject Matter, and then formulate your own Opinions and Theories.

Any additional analyses, interviews, investigations, readings, research, studies, thoughts, or
writings on any aspect of this Subject Matter ?

Bear in mind that we are trying to attract and educate a Whole New Generation of JFK
Researchers who may not be as well versed as you.

Comments ?
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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

We are in the same type of Coup attempted and completed in 1963 and 1968.

Only today is much more Dangerous with many more players involved world wide.

First you have a world wide take over of we the people with a Virus and flu which is 99
percent beatable, that was made in China with Obama, Fauci visiting that very same Lab
where it was made.

Then you have a Prediction from Fauci that @realdonaldtrump years ago will get a serious
virus in at Trumps administration , well how the hell did he know that years ago, I guess
that was the plan when he visited the China lab with Obama.

This Timely release of a world wide virus to scare the Citizens of the world into thinking we
are in a pandemic which really is a Plandemic to control the population into thinking millions
will die.

What is the reasoning ?

To Take out the Best President who works for we the people and who exposes the Deep State
like the Obama and Clinton and Soros and Zuckerberg and many more Players involved.

I guess they could not of attempted a Coup by Assassination by a lone gunman that was
already done many times before and still hidden today after 50 years Deep inside Classified

Instead The Deep state started a WW 3 against the People of the World that is Costing Trillions
of Dollars with a fake virus that is 99 percent beatable with a vaccine that is only 90 percent

There will be a forced vaccine world wide of this 90 percent Vaccine that is currently making
people sick and some dying from taking it.

You can’t rely of the MSM for it is all lies and Propaganda of the media world wide.

Now how does that work when the entire media is controlled all over the world ?

Putting Fear into the citizens of the world in every country into a panic mode to shut down
the world economy and forcing people to wear mask that don’t even work according again
to Fauci saying that breathing in your own breath and germs 🦠 that grow on your mask is
more Dangerous than the virus itself, making the numbers grow.

So now we have every person in the world who dies of any reason, car accident, old age,
shooting, murders, etc., are all listed as Covid 19 deaths .

The death rates and Flu rates for the last 10 years have in fact gone down, taking in all the
other deaths makes it appears the numbers have gone up when it hasn’t , Then you have the
MSM playing the same Fear mongering tune all over the World to win an American Election.

Little did the Deep State know it Trump knew about this Takeover plan and even said in June
that this years election will be fake and Corrupted on his Twitter account which has 88 million

Biden does a video saying he has the biggest Fraud voting system in place to win the election
that also won it for Obama years ago.

A declassified memo is released that shows Clinton permitting the use of fake voting machines
in other countries world wide to take over the Elections in more that 60 countries.

1. You have the fake news reporting the same fear 24/7 to Win an election based on a new way
to vote by mail.

2. The swing States illegally changed Voting rules and regulation to fit into Bidens plans by allowing underage voting, dead people voting, illegals voting, and fake ballots coming in from China and truck loads going over state lines to be used in other states, and also memory sticks and Voting machines hooked up to the internet, being controlled by Other Countries.

You have more people voting that registered Voters in those states , with all the results that was showing Trump was winning at 1 am and all the polling stations get closed down in the middle of
the night to allow Bidens fake votes to come in and over take Trumps votes by the Millions when
all the Votes had stopped being counted by closed polling Stations.

Windows were boarded up and people were kicked out and were not allowed to watch what was
going on. There was no signature verification and people voted many times and thousand of ballots
were run threw the machines in the middle of the night, ballots were coming in by suitcases and truck loads and even water pipes were said to being the reason to close down the Counting for Trump only but biden numbers grew .

Where did the money come from, Zuckerberg gave 500 million to states and paid for ballot boxes
and people to board up windows and money to buy people’s votes, all illegal activities and also
Election Judges were paid from this same 500 million.

George Soros and Dominion has offices in Toronto in the same office building now how is that possible?

The Supreme Court rules against hearing Texas lawsuit and 20 other states when Justice Robert’s
is heard screaming in the Supreme Court hallways at the other Justices not to accept or vote on this Texas lawsuit.

Why would Justice Robert scream at the top of his lungs to the other Justice to sway there dissicion not to vote for The Texas lawsuit. This is the Same Justice Robert’s who was at the Jeffery Epstein pedofile island with Clinton and many others who’s name is logged on the flight logs , who is over head saying Trump will not win this Election.

Robert’s should be taken out by Impeachment asap he is not following the Rule of Law and is Politically biased , why does he have a black eye, like many others including the pope, search up the black eye club and see who the deep state puppets are.

This is a war on the American People and all players who were involved should get arrested and you are talking hundreds and thousands to make something this big to work.

There has been Payouts from China to many States Governors Congress and Senators who have taken Chinese bribes to make this take over plan work.

Some states like Florida is not buying into this war and allowing people to live there life like a free person should.

If this takeover continues by China with the buyout of Politicians it is only time before they control the Country and our everyday lives.

Swallwel slept with a chinese Spy , Mitch mcconnell’s wife is connected to the chinese and his family has been paid very well for him to back Biden and sing the Treason dance with his chinese donations .

This is a war on the American People far worse than what happened in 1963 it now involves the world and the global media and the Chinese the American Supreme Court and a lot of the Politicians who were bought off and Zuckerberg making 500 million of illegal Donations.

This war involves so many people it’s hard to believe it has gone on this long.

A WW3 involving every country with payouts.

Let’s see what the next step is, It still can go either way.

God Bless Trump to get us out of this mess,

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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

Hmmm...Are you familiar with the “Black Eye” club? Many of politicians, celebrities, business elites, and heads of State who have mysteriously wound up with black eyes. Although a few of them have sustained injuries to their right eye, the majority occur on the left. 🤔
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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

The Real Results of 2020 @realdonaldtrump @robertkennedyjr
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Re: JFK: The C.I.A., Viet Nam, And The Plot To Assassinate JFK:

Post by SLAV »

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