JFK Assassination
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Post by bspez »

Bruce, I believe all you have written about the CIA helping ex-Nazi's start a new life after WWII. I believe this was due to the quick shift to anti-communism after Russia helped us defeat the Nazis. I believe the U.S. Establishment in the 20th century was more fearful of communism than anything else. We formed an alliance of convenience with the Russians, when Hitler attacked Russia, making them our ally. The Establishment running the country before and since WWII always has an ideology more in sync with the Nazis than the Russian communists. Look at the way the Nazi and Japanese war machines sprang back to life with our help, manufacturing consumer goods after their defeat. The only thing missing from your post was the Vatican connection in establishing and maintaining a pipeline to resettle ex-Nazis in South America. Once again the motivation was anti-communism. And Mussolini bought them off in 1929 by establishing the Vatican as an independent city state. And they likely thought the axis powers would win the war. During WWII the Vatican maintained a neutral position toward the Nazis. Pius XI was about to deliver a speech against the Nazi treatment of the Jews when he mysteriously died, and his former secretary of state, who had maintained friendly relations with the Nazis all through the war was elevated from Cardinal to Pope Pius XII. He maintained a staunchly anti-communist stance throughout his papacy.

I do believe that "We the People..." had a safe secure honest Presidential Election after
a sophisticated and professionally run campaign by both sides, that "WE" all believe
in, having understood all issues addressed w/ structured answers by the candidates". The issues and personalities couldn't have been more different. And truth be told, Trump defeated himself.

I have no crystal ball but I do believe the Republicans will retain the Senate because the Establishment uses division and fake conflicts to keep the collective eyes of the people off the balls they are juggling for their own benefit.

I do believe "After the Inauguration All Is Good". because all this conflict is bad for business. To paraphrase Calvin Coolidge in 1925, "The business of America is business."
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Post by SLAV »

There was nothing honest about this election it stinks Fraud the Voting machines were hacked and Programmed, Facebook paid 500 million to sway the results, Facebook and Twitter and the msm are one sided like a takeover from the Communist, the amount of People that attend a biden rally is very minimal Compared to Trump, The Election Plane and simple is as fake as it gets that is how People like Schumer, Polossi, Nader, Schiff and many others Got re-elected all those years , If Trump wins there will be no more fake elections and all the long term swamp rats will be gone, it’s very simple, they get elected with no net worth and then have a fortune of 200 million plus from making 150,000 a year, well I know a lot of people who make 150,000 a year and they do not have 200 million,

The chinese have been controlling the Ekected puppets along with Iran, So Obama sends Iran 1 Billion cash and that money was laundered to go back to the Politicians, Hilary made deals with Russia and the money went back to Hillary.

We all have to wait and see, the deep state is bigger than we all thought, going from Russia, Iran, China, FBI , DOJ, it just doesn’t end, who ever thinks Biden beat Trump better take that Corona Virus Vaccine and find out what happens to them, Bill Fates and Siri’s are sitting home laughing at all the sheep and what they have accomplished.
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Posts: 5010
Joined: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:53 am


Post by SLAV »

They was nothing honest about this election it stinks Fraud the Voting machines were hacked and Programmed, Facebook paid 500 million to sway the results, Facebook and Twitter and the msm are one sided like a takeover from the Communist, the amount of People that attend a biden rally is very minimal Compared to Trump, The Election Plane and simple is as fake as it gets that is how People like Schumer, Polossi, Nader, Schiff and many others Got re-elected all those years , If Trump wins there will be no more fake elections and all the long term swamp rats will be gone, it’s very simple, they get elected with no net worth and then have a fortune of 200 million plus from making 150,000 a year, well I know a lot of people who make 150,000 a year and they do not have 200 million,

The chinese have been controlling the Ekected puppets along with Iran, So Obama sends Iran 1 Billion cash and that money was laundered to go back to the Politicians, Hilary made deals with Russia and the money went back to Hillary.

We all have to wait and see, the deep state is bigger than we all thought, going from Russia, Iran, China, FBI , DOJ, it just doesn’t end, who ever thinks Biden beat Trump better take that Corona Virus Vaccine and find out what happens to them, Bill Fates and Siri’s are sitting home laughing at all the sheep and what they have accomplished.
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Post by bspez »

You have to realize that everyone who voted for Biden only voted against Trump. Those of us who did vote for Biden saw Trump as a con man, a liar, a narcissist, a bully and probably mentally unbalanced. In other words, the boss at work you hated. No need to do anything more for Biden than vote for him. And even if there had been fraud it doesn't matter, Trump is still out. This reminds me of being a kid in the 1950's and hearing a common refrain "The South will Rise Again". It didn't.
Phil Dragoo
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Post by Phil Dragoo »

Piper tried to hang the JFK hit on Israel--and some even speculated Mossad took out Forrestal for opposing the creation of the state.

I discount both hypotheses--but returning to the title proposition. I invite all here to get a kindle of Eichmann in My Hands: A First-Person Account by the Israeli Agent Who Captured Hitler's Chief Executioner by Peter Z. Malkin. Where did the tough, tight little team grab Eichmann? By the balls--and he was unrepentant. Note that. ... B07GP54YWD

The vaunted New York Times not only covered up Stalin's mass murder of Ukranians--it was in the vanguard of Holocaust deniers--right there with Saint Delano who handed Uncle Joe Eastern Europe.

Patton was prevented from getting to Berlin ahead of the Soviets and was killed December 1945 to prevent his entering U.S. politics to address the rot within--wanted to go to Moscow and finish the job of defeating totalitarianism.

Of course the termites were busy handing Asia to Mao and the rest to Uncle Joe--after a war described as the means of keeping Germany and Russia from uniting the World Island and supplanting the primacy of the Seafaring States, i.e., the Five Eyes: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

Hitler was therefore financed and nurtured through a partnership of Bank of England director (1922-1944) Montagu Norman and Deutsche Bank director Hjalmar Schact. The best on this is Guido Giacomo Preparata, Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich, 2005. ... -1-catcorr

The actions of Chamberlain et al encouraged Hitler, and the international trade including both U.S. corporations and the Soviet military made the outcome obvious to the few resolute defenders of freedom, e.g. Churchill.

Allen Dulles was in Switzerland when the German military put Lenin on a sealed train for St. Petersburg, having interned at Versailles creating the seed bed. [See Stephen Kinzer, The Brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and Their Secret World War] Two parallel totalitarian dystopias arise from the profitable and horrendous trench warfare which scarred the continent and decimated a generation. ... 0805094970

Dulles sought a separate peace--part of the Paperclip vacuuming of Gehlen, Inc. and Von Braun & Co. His mistress/OSS colleague Mary Bancroft would monitor the Rommel plot. No doubt Dulles would approve of--if not abet--Hitler's escape. [Mary Bancroft was best friends with Michael Paine's mother--and elsewhere we see Talbot focusing on Dulles' role as spider in a web.]

Recommended on this are Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams, Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler; and Peter Levenda, Ratline: Soviet Spies, Nazi Priests, and the Disappearance of Adolf Hitler. ... ext&sr=1-1 ... ext&sr=1-1

History has not ended--not after the Armistice after WWI, nor after the Victory in Europe and the signing of the treaty on the deck of the USS Missouri nor the fall of the Wall nor the end of the Soviet Union.

Today Muslims are in Chinese Communist "re-education camps" or pressed into slave labor. De facto genocide is visited upon Muslim Uighers and Buddhist Tibetans by the perpetrators of the Tiananmen Square massacre (June 4, 1989) whom Joe Biden "can do business with".

Did we forget the source for the virus which supposedly killed 350,000 Americans?

The best defense against Eichmann II is guns--and respect for the Declaration of Independence--but that's crazy talk--it could never happen here--

Bill Ayers in 1971 said to his Weather Underground comrades twenty-five million Americans might have to be eliminated "for resisting the revolution"--the Bill Ayers who ghosted "Obama's" Dreams of My Father.

And Malcolm Little of Chicago is "Obama's" father, while his mother is a Lebanese actress, daughter of an Arabist professor of American University of Beirut. The Malcolm who met the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, that collaborator of Hitler, then encouraged his followers to execute "a Mau Mau", a genocide.

Ayers in Caracas in 2006 toasted Hugo Chavez with "Viva la revolucion bolivariana! Hasta la victoria siempre!" And now Venezuela's voting system has delivered the office of POTUS to the PRC.

What would be the common end uniting those involved in the Smartmatic-Sequoia-Dominion-Staple Street cabal? How do you get W's Treasury chief Snow, GHWB's running mate Quayle and Nazi fanboy George Soros in the same board room?

Why did Fox News have cats when a guest even mentioned George Soros?

I submit the lust for power is complemented by the desperate desire to be controlled--that the tyrannical leader and the obedient true believer are part of the same mass hypnosis.

There is no basis for the claims of widespread fraud and we should all love Big Brother. Der Fuhrer. Il Duce. Whatever.

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